Tag: increasing


There is increasing evidence of the benefits of yogurt in preventing type 2 diabetes and obesity

A work carried out by leading Argentine specialists and published in the prestigious international journal…

PANCREAS CANCER ALICANTE | Enrique de Madaria, doctor: “We must advance in research because pancreatic cancer is increasing”

Extremely concerned about how little is known about the pancreatic cancerand its high mortalityDr. Enrique…

World Melanoma Day: why cases are increasing in the country and who is at greatest risk

In Argentina, more than 1,700 people are diagnosed with melanoma (Illustrative Image Infobae)Every May 23…

`The numbers do not stop increasing.’

May 20 marks European Obesity Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an…

`The numbers do not stop increasing.’

May 20 marks European Obesity Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an…

“The numbers do not stop increasing”

May 20 marks European Obesity Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an…