Tag: impacts


Drinking alcohol on flight: how it impacts heart and lung health

Hypobaric hypoxia can affect the passenger's physiology (Freepik)In the routine of a long distance flight,…

World Multiple Sclerosis Day: how the “disease of a thousand faces” impacts mental health

Known as the "disease of a thousand faces", multiple sclerosis manifests itself in different ways…

Depression and thyroid: how this gland impacts mood and how to restore emotional balance

Hypothyroidism, caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormones, can cause symptoms such as depression, fatigue…

How the abuse of salt, sugar and saturated fats impacts health

The DKV Healthy Living Institute was created to give useful guidelines to people, allowing them…

How the abuse of salt, sugar and saturated fats impacts health

Maintaining a balanced diet is key to health. It may seem obvious, but the truth…

How the abuse of salt, sugar and saturated fats impacts health

Maintaining a balanced diet is key to health. It may seem obvious, but the truth…