Tag: healthy


Healthy habits and practical tips

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is one of the main modifiable risk factors for preventing…

The Healthy Company Chair improves the occupational health of 4,000 workers

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are the most common non-traumatic pathology in the workplace in…

The National Institute of Safety and Health at Work and Osalan have held the IX Open Meeting of the Spanish Network of Healthy Companies

He National Institute of Safety and Health at Work (INSST)a scientific-technical organization of the Ministry…

“It is possible to face breast cancer and give birth to a healthy baby”

You can be a mother despite suffering from breast cancer, since today the disease is…

the danger of extending them to healthy men

In 2024, 30,000 new cases of prostate cancer will be detected, the most diagnosed tumor…

Cádiz inaugurates its first Health Fair to promote a healthy life in its physical, mental and social dimensions

The mayor of Cádiz, Bruno García, the territorial delegate of Economy, Finance, European Funds and…

World Nutrition Day: what are the essential foods for a healthy and balanced diet

A good diet is crucial for the prevention of diseases, promoting proper development and maintaining…

The eight tips from specialists to maintain a healthy brain

Taking measures to keep the brain healthy is important at all stages of life (Illustrative…