Tag: face


Europe defines strategies to face shortages of drugs against diabetes and weight loss

The use of GLP-1 receptor agonists for cosmetic weight loss in non-obese or overweight…

“It is possible to face breast cancer and give birth to a healthy baby”

You can be a mother despite suffering from breast cancer, since today the disease is…

Seville’s health centers face the summer with 67 unfilled medical positions

There is a lack of doctors. Two words that have been said and repeated ad…

Seville’s health centers face the summer with 67 unfilled medical positions

There is a lack of doctors. Two words that have been said and repeated ad…

230 researchers in Bizkaia face cancer and rare diseases

In one of the laboratories of the BioGune Research Center (CIC BioGune) they have cells…

Health still does not close plans to face a summer that will be “critical”

The autonomous communities and the Ministry of Health will address next Thursday in an Interterritorial…

230 researchers in the Basque Country face cancer and rare diseases

In one of the laboratories of the BioGune Research Center (CIC BioGune) they have cells…

“Writing is an exercise in resistance in the face of death”

The American narrator opens the third edition of the Escribidores Festival today in Malaga as…