Tag: eat


The four foods you have to eat to prevent prostate cancer

Is the most common tumor among men ahead of cancer of the colon and rectum,…

The four foods you have to eat to prevent prostate cancer

Is the most common tumor among men ahead of colon and rectal cancer, lung and…

What type of chocolate is healthier and what happens if I eat it every day?

The consumption of functional foods, such as chocolate, has been the subject of numerous scientific…

Can diabetics eat any type of fruit?

The diabetics They are people with more delicate health and, for this reason, they must…

Foods to eat to control and lower your blood pressure

Living with high blood pressure It is a reality for more than 4 million Spanish…

What to eat to prevent and control type 2 diabetes | The Comidista | Gastronomy

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized, initially, by insulin resistance and which characteristically…

What to eat to prevent and control type 2 diabetes | The Comidista | Gastronomy

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized, initially, by insulin resistance and which characteristically…