Tag: drug


“It is the first ‘influencer’ drug in history”

"It is a day to celebrate how the lives of many people living with obesity…

“It is the first ‘influencer’ drug in history”

"It is a day to celebrate how the lives of many people living with obesity…

The drug for diabetes and obesity boosts the “Princess” to its researchers – Princess of Asturias Awards

Cinco científicos que han revolucionado el tratamiento para la obesidad y la diabetes se coronaron…

The drug for diabetes and obesity boosts the “Princess” to its researchers – Princess of Asturias Awards

The drug for diabetes and obesity encourages the "Princess" to its researchersLNE Five scientists who…

Health or obsession: when the drug is sport

Do you know of an activity that currently enjoys greater praise than physical exercise and…

Ozempic: Diabetes drug is emerging as miraculous against cancer, dementia and other diseases | Wegovy | Diabetes | SCIENCE

The semaglutidethe drug to treat diabetes that has caused a sensation in the United States…

The Only Two Countries in the World That Allow Prescription Drug TV Ads (And Why Doctors Are Calling to Ban Them)

Image source, Getty ImagesArticle informationOo-Ozempic! sings a chorus in the background, while smiling families practice…