Tag: diseases


Artificial Intelligence allows us to prevent diseases and anticipate diagnoses

On Tuesday, May 28, four representatives of the health sector met at a round table…

What are the health benefits of yogurt and what diseases does it help prevent?

Those who eat yogurt frequently tend to maintain a diet of better nutritional quality, with…

What are the health benefits of yogurt and what diseases does it help prevent?

Those who eat yogurt frequently tend to maintain a diet of better nutritional quality, with…

230 researchers in Bizkaia face cancer and rare diseases

In one of the laboratories of the BioGune Research Center (CIC BioGune) they have cells…

230 researchers in the Basque Country face cancer and rare diseases

In one of the laboratories of the BioGune Research Center (CIC BioGune) they have cells…

The Spanish scientist who combines mechanics and biology to reproduce diseases in the laboratory

Industrial engineer by training, Daniel García González (Leganés, 31 years old) began working in the…

We urge the World Health Organization to promote a Resolution on Rare Diseases

We urge the World Health Organization to promote a Resolution on Rare DiseasesPublication Date/Time: Thursday,…

4 diseases linked to the bacteria in your mouth

Image source, Getty ImagesArticle informationAuthor, Gary MoranRole, The Conversation*3 hoursThe mouth is one of the…

These are the diseases that can be detected with a blood test before having symptoms

In recent years the blood tests have become a fundamental tool to provide crucial information…

This is the rare cancer that is confused with other skin diseases

05/21/2024 at 04:31 CEST Mycosis fungoides is a type of lymphoma T-cell cutaneous disease, a…