Tag: care


Visual health in summer and the importance of taking care of our eyes especially during this time

Important recommendations related to the sun, chlorine, and the use of contact lenses in summer…

The Confederation places emphasis on mental health care for young people identified with the LGTBIQ+ group

WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 126699 [post_author] => 2 [post_date] => 2024-06-28 09:04:51…

Social Services and Health in La Rioja promote the new regulatory framework for coordinated care in residences

The Minister of Health and Social Policy, Maria Martinhas informed the Government Council of the…

Mental health care for young people from the LGTBIQ+ group

Feafes has adopted the speech of Mental Health Spain, which demands respect for the human…

Social Services and Health promote the new regulatory framework to offer coordinated care in nursing homes

Once the framework agreement is approved, the resolution to exempt penalties for residences with a…

The long-term importance of taking care of women’s health in their 20s

Women's twenties are typically a time of overall good health, but they are also an…

Advances of the “SEOM Manifesto on Care of Long-Term Cancer Survivors”

clarify the long survivor concept in cancer, establish a optimal care circuit adapted to the…

Key habits to take care of our health without realizing it, according to an expert

Digital editorial news Telecinco 06/15/2024 6:36 p.m. Seniors riding bicyclesMaribel Mármol López, president of the…

Dogs can also take care of our health

Therapy and assisted intervention dogsIn general, it is a type of mediation in which selected…

Almost 2,500 senior MIR doctors to ‘patch’ the lack of doctors in primary care this summer

Professionals do not believe in this solution. Nor in the "summer hiring market" that "only…