Tag: cardiovascular


This is how deaths from cardiovascular pathology have fallen

Last year (the data is provisional, the INE will publish the final ones at the…

Cardiovascular health, the biggest health risk for older women

It is also important to know and recognize the symptoms of a heart attack, because…

“In women, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality and 10 times more than breast cancer”

The doctor leads the 'Woman's Heart' movement to raise awareness about the importance of good…

Menopause multiplies the risk of cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline in women | Health & Wellness

Until around the age of 50, men have a much higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases…

Menopause multiplies the risk of cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline in women | Health & Wellness

Until around the age of 50, men have a much higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases…

Alert on blood pressure and cholesterol in young people: early measures are crucial for cardiovascular health

When fats and other substances accumulate in the body's arteries, the process of atherosclerosis develops,…