Paloma’s complaint to EL PERIODICO, in which she reveals how she was subjected to enslaving abuse for seven years by her family and that she couldn’t get social services to believe her because he suffers from a mental disorder, he is no exception. The emental health entitiesthe lawyers, the fsocial support anointments non-profit organizations agree that, unfortunately, this is one more, very serious case, in which the perspective of those who have to care for the victim is distorted by the victim’s disability. They see a person with a disorder and doubt their version. The Rubí City Council has refused to accept an interview for this report and has issued a statement denying any type of internal error, despite the accumulation of situations reported by social organizations.

“Paloma’s case is very aberrant and very serious, all the protection systems failed”

Laura Pliego

Mental Health Catalonia

Laura Pliego, from Salut Mental Catalunya, remember that they already assisted Paloma in 2021, within the framework of the advice and guidance program of SMC’s Activa’t plan. Before, Paloma had already gone to the town hall without success and had contacted Càritas de Terrassa. She also had bureaucratic problems because she had lived in Madrid. Pliego then clearly detects that her story is coherent, even though she suffers from a mental disorder: “Regardless of the diagnosis you have, you are fully aware of the situation of violation of rights that he suffers and the danger to his physical integrity.” “The administrations were not addressing his situation,” he adds.

First answer: don’t believe it

So, not only was Paloma personally, but SMC who alerted the city council: “I contacted the diversity service. I informed them that I was experiencing a situation of violence that could not be allowed and asked us to work together to coordinate with social services, which is who has to attend to the situation. It is a situation of violence. “There is a right that protects people in vulnerable situations.”

What was the response? “Social services insisted on exploring the mental health problem and linking it to the rehabilitation service, It was a look based on ‘let’s see if what he explains is true or not, It was delegitimizing that she is a victim of violence. Coordination with social services was also very complex, it was hostile due to the delegitimization of the woman’s story, and they said that they should count on her brother,” Pliego details.

Two reports, two versions

In addition, the women’s care service (SIAD) He distanced himself because it was not sexist violence. but intrafamilial. There is a report from December 14, 2022 from this city council service that, after studying the case, literally concludes that “the completion of the intervention by the SIAD is valued because the case is not a case of sexist violence and does not fall within of the competence of the service”. And nothing was done about the violence that was being reported again and again. Curiously, that same month, social services sent the judge another report that finally admitted the “risks and vulnerability” which represented for Paloma her coexistence with her family.

From this first intervention there are exchanged emails. SMC has a detailed report with all the procedures carried out and the responses. It is not just a verbal request from the entities and Paloma. “It is a scandal, administrative negligence, I felt helpless, angry, disappointed with the Administration’s response,” Pliego denounces.

The lawyer intervenes, reiterating the complaint

Given the lack of progress, SMC contacts the lawyer Judith Frank, of the Col·lectiu Ronda, which has an agreement with this federation of entities. Franco already intervenes by mail in March or April 2022. And to his surprise after the summer everything remains the same. Paloma had already filed a complaint in court.

The lawyer is the one who hits the table when social services propose a meeting between Paloma and her brother and alleged abuser: “I said ‘enough’ and I spoke to social services and told them: ‘I am Paloma’s lawyer, no. I understand nothing of what you are doing, you cannot make your brother participate in his departure from home, Your actions could be subject to patrimonial liability if poor actions by social services were proven., and she will not go to the meeting you have scheduled with her brother. Either you separate her from her brother or we take legal action.”

From there, the lawyer says, social services change their tone. “It’s not that they do anything, but they stop establishing the bond with their brother,” Franco adds.

The NGOs take the initiative before the judge

“When there is knowledge of the existence of abuse, There is a legal obligation to inform the prosecutor’s office. This is the first mistake, because the city council can promote a file of measures in court, of support measures for a person who needs help to exercise their abilities. The measurement procedure was initiated by Franco with Paloma and with the entry of the Luís Artigues Foundation, a non-profit entity in the Drets i Suport area of ​​the Pere Claver Group.

They have a legal obligation to inform the prosecutor’s office.

Judith Franco

Lawyer of the Col·lectiu Ronda

“She was not listened to, due to her disability”

Luis Varea, coordinator of the Social Area of ​​the entity Pere Claver Drets i Suports, was the one who, hand in hand with the lawyer, rolled up his sleeves, from a first contact on November 10, to provide legal help to Paloma through the court. But above all she was the person who accompanied Paloma before the social services to reiterate for the umpteenth time the complaint of violence. So they did listen to it.

“That is the problem,” describes Varea, who manages similar cases on a daily basis, “that it is at the moment in which a third party appears, accompanying the person with a disability, when the support that the person has not had is triggered. This That’s what seems serious to me. One person was not heard, probably because he or she was a person with a disability.“he describes.

We are not used to listening

Varea does not point in an accusatory way to the professionals of the specific service of Ruby because the situation, he laments, is as serious as it is widespread: “The key is to act based on the person’s wishes and preferences, and this is what was not being respected. In general, social, health, and associative services are not They are used to listening to people with disabilities. Until now, in my personal opinion, they are second-class citizens, because when you walk into a doctor with a person with a disability next to you, they do not address them but rather the person accompanying them. ; this is what happened to the people who treated Paloma in social services, when she had the problem and went to the interviews; social services waited for someone next to her to give truthfulness because When faced with the story of the disabled person, they think ‘what if it’s not true?‘”. Varea highlights the existing legal change by which people with disabilities have rights.

One person was not heard, probably because he or she was a person with a disability.

Luis Varea

coordinator of the social area of ​​the Lluís Artigues Foundation

Lluis Artigues is one of the non-profit entities that carry out the legal figure of assistance, granted with some urgency, this time, by a judge (a female judge in this case) at the request of the person who requires support to exercise their rights. From there, the Foundation has helped Paloma exercise her rights by providing support in the person’s usual environment, but without deciding for her, so that she can lead an autonomous life. And helping her in her new home. “The problem is that available resources are scarce“, laments Varea. “The pending task with Paloma is to find a place to generate an emotional bond and interpersonal relationships that are satisfactory for her,” he adds.

A dramatic conclusion: it is not an isolated case

Psychiatrized women experience violence in a systematic wayPaloma’s case is very aberrant and very serious, all the protection systems failed, because regardless of her mental health, the story of violence is legitimate and must be listened to and attended to, access to information and devices has to be horizontal for all citizens,” demands Pliego, from SMC. “Unfortunately, this woman’s case is not the only one, there is violence of all types that you can imagine.”

Frank adds: “Organizations have a significant difficulty understanding the mental problems when there is gender violence. They do not know the legal obligations they have, it is difficult for them to take the step forward and activate the protocol for a person who is vulnerable; it has to be them, alone, those who try to get out, and Paloma has been able to do it because she has sought a life and has not stopped, but others are still locked up. Paloma is not the first case I have had.