The spokesperson for the Socialist Group in the Andalusian Parliament, Ángeles Férriz, has accused this Tuesday the Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Catalina García (PP-A), of “lying” by “re-doing five and six month contracts” for renew health professionals whom he promised to “stabilize” in the staff of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS).

This is how the socialist spokesperson spoke at a press conference in Parliament in which she reviewed the actions of the members of Juanma Moreno’s Government to emphasize that the president of the Board and of the PP-A “has increasingly more complicated who to choose” for the “government crisis” that he would have to undertake, because “he has reasons to remove everything” from the Executive, according to his opinion.

Ángeles Férriz has placed the Health Minister in the “Dream Team” of councilors who, in his opinion, should “leave” the Andalusian Government, and has stressed that “she should have left a long time ago, or they should have fired her, because “She is a compulsive liar,” she said.

Thus, the socialist spokesperson highlighted that, “a week ago, all the headlines opened with the fact that the Andalusian Government was going to stabilize 2,177 health professionals”, which “was already half true”, because it implied that the “others 18,000” of the 20,000 professionals who “were hired as reinforcements” for the Andalusian health system during the pandemic “are on the street” because “they were fired”, or “they have gone to other autonomous communities, or to work in the private sector”, or They have been chaining together “precarious contracts” for months.

After that, he pointed out that, when the SAS sent its renewal proposal to the health workers, it was seen that “what the counselor said was a lie” and that “it is not going to stabilize them”, because what is proposed “by written” is an extension of “five months for nurses and six months for doctors” whose contracts expire this coming Friday, May 31.

The socialist spokesperson has criticized that neither the president of the Board, Juanma Moreno, nor the Minister of Health had “any hesitation in letting all the media know that they were going to give stability to the staff” of health workers when it was “just another lie.” , another lack of respect not only for professionals, but also for citizens”, according to Ángeles Férriz, who has also reproached the Andalusian Government for going to republish data on waiting lists “after the European elections ” on June 9 because “they have increased again”, as “they have not stopped” doing so “in the last five years” of the PP-A government.

The representative of the PSOE-A has opined that “the problem is not the counselor”, but “(Juanma) Moreno Bonilla himself”, because Catalina García “is perfectly executing the model of the right” of the PP, and “has done what her boss has asked of her”, hence she is “armored” in the Andalusian Government, because “she has done it perfectly”, she added.


On the other hand, the socialist spokesperson has also criticized the University advisors, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos; of Development, Territorial Articulation and Housing, Rocío Díaz; of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Arturo Bernal; of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz, and of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality, Loles López.

He criticized the Minister of University, Research and Innovation, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, for “saying that anyone can afford to take their child to a private university” in Andalusia, and for criticizing the “unfair distribution” of resources that has promoted among Andalusian universities for infrastructure, and for which “the rector of the University of Seville”, Miguel Ángel Castro, “seems that he is going to take it to court.”

To the Minister of Development, Rocío Díaz, the socialist spokesperson has disgraced that, “after two years, the distribution of funds from the Young Rental Bonus in Andalusia by the Board is still unresolved”, which “did not have to put a “hard” for this resource because the financing was transferred by the Government of Spain, and the autonomous Administration “only had to process” the applications for this aid, as he highlighted.

In addition, he has indicated that “we are still waiting for an explanation” from the same counselor about “what has happened to the bases” of the contest of the Jaén Transport Consortium in connection with the case of the audio of the provincial president of the PP from Jaén and also a parliamentarian, Erik Domínguez, in which he was heard warning a former Ciudadanos deputy, Enrique Moreno, of “some rules that had not been published, to favor him and thus harm the rest of Andalusians who, in an honest and honest manner, present themselves to the calls and public tenders”.

The representative of the PSOE-A has insisted on demanding “accountability” for this case, and has stressed that the Andalusian Government “has to tell who” on the Board “gave the bases to Erik Domínguez.” Furthermore, she has denounced that the PP-A Executive “lied saying that the bases” for the tests of the Jaén Transport Consortium “were the same as those of Granada that had already been published.”

Another “star of the ‘Dream Team'” of the Andalusian Government who should be relieved, in the opinion of the socialist spokesperson, is the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Arturo Bernal, whom she has reproached for “what he has set up with the tourist tax ” and its possible implementation in Andalusia, giving that option a “step forward” by announcing the creation of “an observatory” to measure the impact of tourism when “all city councils, including those governed by the PP, are demanding that it be address this issue in a serious manner.”

Férriz has also criticized the “inconsistency” of the counselor, who understands that “you can add an entrance fee to the museums collected by the Junta de Andalucía, but you cannot add a tourist tax to crowded destinations” that the town councils would collect.

Regarding the advisor to the Presidency, Antonio Sanz, he has pointed out that the firefighters of the Board’s device against forest fires, Infoca, have had to “go out onto the streets again” to protest because on the part of the Board “they have not fulfilled all the promises they made” regarding “stabilization and payment of seniority.

He has also criticized the Minister of Educational Development, Patricia del Pozo, who “does not stop closing public educational units” in her “intention” of “benefiting” “private and concerted” education and harming public education, and has criticized criticized for not yet implementing the Bioclimatization Law in Andalusian classrooms, despite the fact that the current Government is the one that “has the greatest investment in the history of Andalusia in addressing this issue.”

Thus, he has accused the counselor of “lying” by saying that “95% of the actions” of bioclimatization have been carried out in Andalusian schools “when they have not reached 10%”, and “fathers and mothers have to organize to bring fans to classes” with the arrival of the heat.


Likewise, the socialist spokesperson has also advocated for the replacement of the Minister of Social Inclusion, Loles López, because “the waiting list for the agency continues to exceed 540 days, there are more than 60,000 Andalusians” on them, and, in the last year, “almost 9,000 Andalusians died without even having received a response” to their request for access to the agency’s system.

Ángeles Férriz has concluded by stating that the Moreno Government “is full of glitter and propaganda, but, when you scratch a little, what there is is a conservative model that translates into ending the public system to benefit private business.” .