At least half a million people trust pseudosciences and pseudotherapies in our country. They are the tip of the iceberg of a public health problem, according to the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC), which warns of the risk of these techniques, which for many patients involves delaying or abandoning treatments with a scientifically proven curative nature.

Based on energy, one’s own body or mind or nature, they range from homeopathy and acupuncture – which are the most used and which are regulated in other countries – to other more minority ones such as zero balancing, cupping therapy, magneto-therapy or floral therapy. Doctors warn against resorting to them, especially in cancer patients or with mental health problems, neurological or chronic diseases.

Everything that is natural does not have to be harmless and resorting to these therapies is especially risky in psychiatric or oncological patients because we have seen many cases that abandon treatment or arrive late for it or have a loss of opportunity or compromise the family’s income. ”, he explains to COPE Rosa Arroyovice president of the WTO and coordinator of the Observatory against Pseudosciences, Pseudotherapies, Intrusism and Health Sects (OPPISS).

Very varied profile and mainly to alleviate pain

Alleviating physical pain and sometimes also mental and emotional pain is what leads most people to resort to pseudotherapies. According to a study published in 2021 by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) The profile is very varied, both old and young, men and women of any social origin and cultural level who, with pseudotherapies, seek to distance themselves from medicalization, boycott the commercial interests of pharmaceutical laboratories or receive more attention to their health problems.

Eliana She is 30 years old and for her traditional medicine is the last resort: “I only go to the doctor when I have no other choice and I avoid taking any drugs because they make me feel bad and I prefer Chinese medicine. When my back hurts I resort to cupping therapy or cupping, it relieves me and I have even learned to handle it and use it with people around me like my boyfriend. What I see is that it serves to undo the knots that form in the back and relax the tense areas.”