“It is important that we begin by contextualizing the magnitude of this disease. The latest report from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology, published in January 2024, It is estimated that this year about 36,400 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed. It is the second most common tumor if we add both sexes, after the colon and before the lung, and the first among those suffered by women. The data collected by the SEOM They also indicate that in 2022 Breast tumor was the fifth cause of death from cancer among men and women, and the first if we only take them into account, with 6,677 deaths.

Once we have become aware of the social and economic relevance of this disease, we can now get to work to reduce this data. We will find great allies in scientifically proven information, in a healthy lifestyle that promotes the prevention of the disease and early diagnosisincreasingly premature, accurate and effective thanks to technological advances.

In practically all breast cancer prevention and screening programs, the standard age for performing these check-ups is from 50 to 75 years old, with the indication of mammograms annually or every two years. But, We must remember that there are special cases of higher risk, due to family history or genetic mutations.which especially predispose some patients to suffer from this cancer, and should be the subject of special surveillance.

In cases of higher risk, periodic check-ups can begin before the age of 30, sometimes even being recommended after the age of 25. Everything will depend on each particular case, Therefore, it is very important to take a good history of the patient in the Gynecology consultation to determine the degree of risk: age of first period and menopause, age of first pregnancy, obesity, exposure to radiation, absence of breastfeeding or history of some non-malignant breast diseases, among others.

Cancer figures in Spain 2024 (SEOM)

“Early detection is essential. The diagnosis of breast cancer in early stages increases the effectiveness of pharmacological treatment, allows for less invasive interventions, with less risk and shorter and less painful postoperative periods, It reduces the chances of metastasis, increases survival and promotes a better quality of life after discharge.

To diagnose cases early, professionals have a test pool that has expanded greatly in recent years. Everyone knows more or less what a mammogram is, but it is less widely known that within this same study there are variations, such as the use of digital equipment with much more sensitivity to diagnose lesions, or the mammography with contrast that we are launching in HLA Inmaculada University Hospitaland that is offering excellent results.

In addition, we have other diagnostic means such as breast ultrasound, which normally accompanies mammography and allows both tests to be compared, given that some lesions are better seen in one or the other imaging modality. Magnetic resonance imaging is also a very useful radiological technique in certain cases and, of course, diagnostic tests such as fine needle puncture, lto core needle biopsy, ultrasound-guided or stereotaxy, or very simple techniques that can avoid undergoing surgery, such as vacuum-assisted biopsy. All of this allows specialists to reach an exact diagnosis that, in cases that require surgical intervention, facilitates the location and removal of the tumor with greater precision and preservation of the surrounding healthy tissue.

As with other pathologies that impact different aspects of the patient’s health and life, women with breast cancer need a global and personalized approach to their case, in a hospital environment and with multidisciplinary management. That is why, to care for all patients with any type of breast problem, at HLA Inmaculada we have opted to create an Integrated Breast Pathology Unit, led by the areas of Gynecology and Interventional Radiology, but in which other fundamental areas actively participate such as Pathological Anatomy, Oncology (Medical and Radiotherapy), Plastic Surgery, Laboratory, Endocrinology, even Pediatrics through its Breastfeeding Unit. Likewise, we have in the hospital a Tumor Committee which meets weekly to analyze diagnosed cases, in the presence of all the specialties involved.

The approach to breast pathology is also part of the Women’s Unit, which has units for menopause, adolescence, gynecological cancer prevention, pregnancy, fetal medicine and a reproduction unit. thus covering any issue related to the oncological process and the rest of the vital aspects of women. At the same time, the rest of the hospital’s specialties are attentive to interacting whenever a specific case demands it, with the aim that the patient receives all the assistance she needs without having to leave the hospital.

The emotional and psychological impact that a diagnosis such as breast cancer causes on patients requires, especially in these cases, close, humanized medical assistance that promotes the bonds of trust necessary to overcome the different phases of the disease. In this sense, the agility of the processes is essential to reduce the anxiety and fear that naturally appear during the clinical process. For it, Work protocols must combine speed, efficiency and diagnostic certainty.

A gynecological emergency service, open 24 hours every day, allows patients to consult at the same time that a palpable lesion or any suspicious finding is detected. In those moments, the opinion of a specialist will provide him not only with the peace of mind he seeks but also with the verified information he needs. It is also important that an immediate referral be made to the Radiology service or Pathology Laboratory to confirm or rule out the suspected diagnosis.

The same occurs in any routine check-up in which a breast lesion is located. It is important to prescribe a puncture or biopsy on the same day, either ultrasound-guided or by one of the other available methods. (stereotaxy, BAV). Once the test has been carried out, the Laboratory is responsible for reporting the results, which in our center are available in a few days, except for special techniques (immunohistochemistry, for example). With the definitive diagnosis, If surgical treatment is required, the patient can be scheduled for a preoperative study and request an operating room. In Immaculate HLA Patients who are detected with an operable breast cancer lesion will enter the operating room within two or three weeks at the latest.

Medicine currently has the technical means and specialized human resources to detect and stop breast cancer early. “It is in our hands to ask advice from experts and convey to women and their environment the importance of acting in time to save lives.”