He weekly horoscope with predictions for each sign of the zodiac corresponding to the week of 10 to 16, 2024 has just landed so you can organize yourself in the best way. Astrology (here explained scientifically) has carried out its usual work, which consists of recording the constant movements of the firmament, such as those of the Moon and the planets Mercury, Venus or Mars on the twelve signs that make up the zodiacal wheel through which they circulate ( Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces). Then, he analyzes them and gives them meaning so that human beings can understand it. You already know that it is not enough to know the date of each of the zodiac signs or how to calculate our birth chart to obtain all the information you want about the future.

He weekly horoscope from June 10 to 16, 2024 dictates that it will be a few quiet days, even without events scheduled in the lunar calendar. Although it is very important that on the weekend of June 15 and 16 you are open to love, especially because Venus will land in Cancer to begin those summer loves that we like so much.

Here you have COSMOPOLITAN’s weekly horoscope for the week of June 10 to 16, 2024 with the necessary predictions so that nothing that happens in the next seven days catches you off guard. Read your sun sign to gain insight into the part of you that is evolving. Read your rising sign to find a reflection on your present self. Read your moon sign to guide you on which path to take to mature.

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries: from March 21 to April 19.

Aries, you want to be in peace and harmony with yourself and with others, so you avoid all possible arguments. That’s okay, but keep in mind that sometimes it is necessary to show your face.

On the other hand, you will receive a gift that you will really like from your partner and that will bring back many memories. It will be a good time to unite a little more and iron out some rough edges.

In addition, you will emerge successfully from an economic problem that has been weighing you down for a long time. Now is a good time to finish the studies or jobs that you have left pending due to lack of time.

The best day of the week for Aries: Tuesday.

Tip of the week for Aries: In the small details you will find things you have never seen.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Aries or the personality characteristics of Aries.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus: from April 20 to May 20.

Taurus, try to do a little more of your part in your sex life, which has been quite neglected lately. Is something wrong with you? Reflect on it. It’s okay to go through drier times, but always with very clear ideas.

Intensity in friendship is a very important pillar in your relationships as friends and you do not give it the importance it deserves. Maybe you should ask what your environment wants from you.

In addition, it is a good time to carry out a project that you have had in your hands for a long time. Share with the family the good stage that is coming, and above all, always ask them for advice.

The best day of the week for Taurus: Wednesday.

Tip of the week for Taurus: With good communication you will reach unimaginable conclusions.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Taurus or the personality characteristics of Taurus.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini: from May 21 to June 20.

Gemini, the relationship stagnates and becomes somewhat routine. To improve it, you just have to do your part, since a little more encouragement wouldn’t be bad at all.

On the other hand, we know that you like to enjoy your privacy and even isolate yourself a little, although you also need to feel your family and friends close. You must look for a middle point.

Try not to get into business with the family, as you could be financially harmed, in addition to getting angry with them. If you are awaiting the renewal of a contract, it will work out well but with little money.

The best day of the week for Gemini: Monday.

Tip of the week for Gemini: Count more on the people who support you and you will be surprised.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Gemini or the personality characteristics of Gemini.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer: from June 21 to July 22.

Cancer, you are very sensitive to the people around you and especially to your partner, with whom you are jealous for no reason and to whom you demand much more than you should.

In addition, the people who work with you will be disappointed and they could even do something wrong to you, such as not returning money that you have been expecting for a long time. Many people are very envious of you, so be careful.

You are in a moment where, one moment, you can feel with all the confidence in the world, and the next, completely on the floor. The best thing would be to find balance to avoid so much emotional peak.

The best day of the week for Cancer: Friday.

Tip of the week for Cancer: If others fail you, the problem is not with you.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Cancer or the personality characteristics of Cancer.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo: from July 23 to August 22.

Leo, you and your partner are not on the same wavelength and, sometimes, although he admires you more than you imagine, he doesn’t understand you. The important thing is that you make the effort to do so and that you support each other loyally.

On the other hand, family and friends lean on you and come to burden you with their problems. However, think that they have always been by your side and always will be.

Businesses will move forward although with difficulties that at first will overwhelm you. If you plan to organize an event, everything will go very well.

The best day of the week for Leo: Wednesday.

Tip of the week for Leo: The color green and the number 2 enhance your luck.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Leo or the personality characteristics of Leo.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo: from August 23 to September 22.

Virgo, avoid the influence of friends who try to alter your stability with their malicious opinions. Whatever you decide, let it be in privacy and with full knowledge of the consequences. Only you decide.

On the other hand, the visit of Venus to the sign of Cancer, revolutionizing the love hormone in all of us, will encourage you in this area. You never know what can happen…

At work, you will achieve success thanks to your effort and will. Do not discuss your professional projects with anyone before they become yours.

The best day of the week for Virgo: Friday.

Tip of the week for Virgo: The color white will give you luck.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Virgo or the personality characteristics of Virgo.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra: from September 23 to October 22.

Libra, you have the support of your partner in everything you intend to do at this stage of your life. Of course, you should be more cautious when it comes to investments, since you may find yourself in financial trouble that will affect your couple.

In addition, it is a good time to make small investments that they will offer you from another job. Don’t associate with family because it will go wrong. Better to keep it separate.

When it comes to friendship, it is important that you spend more time with your circle, because you haven’t dedicated the quality moments they deserve for a long time.

The best day of the week for Libra: Saturday.

Tip of the week for Libra: Organizing book time is important.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Libra or the personality characteristics of Libra.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio: from October 23 to November 21.

Scorpio, Venus in Cancer infuses your sign with strength and stability. Organize a trip as a couple to experience the intimacy that you have put aside for a long time. You have the universe in your favor so that it turns out well.

On the other hand, try to avoid jealousy between friends and focus on what really interests you: your happiness and that of your loved ones.

Also, monitor personal documents and control your expenses, because you could lose something important due to a mistake.

The best day of the week for Scorpio: Thursday.

Tip of the week for Scorpio: The color black gives you strength and the evening hours enhance your luck.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Scorpio or the personality characteristics of Scorpio.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: from November 22 to December 21.

Sagittarius, you will receive news from someone who will tell you something surprising about the common past. He attracts people younger than you, although you must meditate on what you say and what you commit to so you don’t have to regret it later.

On the other hand, some people will try to put obstacles in your way at work. Don’t tell anyone about your projects because they can be ruined, so get organized first.

You feel good both physically and psychologically, although it is always good to eat a healthy diet, exercise and meditate. Do it daily and you won’t regret it.

The best day of the week for Sagittarius: Tuesday.

Tip of the week for Sagittarius: Taking care of yourself should be your priority.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Sagittarius or the personality characteristics of Sagittarius.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn: from December 22 to January 19.

Capricorn, be patient and try to understand your partner and their current situation. Show him your support and affection so that he feels good, since shared problems get along better. Trust the older people in your family.

On the other hand, do not abandon your studies or work without thinking carefully, because you might regret it later. Lately, everything tires you and the monotony overwhelms you a little. It is best that you take everything step by step, as far as you get.

Try to take care of yourself as much as possible, because that is the only way you will have to do it with others. You will discover that happiness lies in self-care.

The best day of the week for Capricorn: Wednesday.

Tip of the week for Capricorn: good luck with the number 4 and the white flowers.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Capricorn or the personality characteristics of Capricorn.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius: from January 20 to February 18.

Aquarius, try to be less selfish in your romantic relationship and do your part to make everything go better. You need to laugh more in company and share unforgettable moments that unite you.

On the other hand, with the family things will be resolved soon, but do not expect that they will not affect the relationship. Everything has its consequences, but time puts everything in its place.

If you are waiting for a sale or an important deal, everything will turn out well and sooner than you expect. The universe is on your side so that your pocket fills with money.

The best day of the week for Aquarius: Sunday.

Tip of the week for Aquarius: Capicúa numbers enhance your luck.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Aquarius or the personality characteristics of Aquarius.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces: from February 19 to March 20.

Pisces, the stability of your relationship is shaking due to continued arguments. You should try to value what you have and put your ideas in order so as not to regret it later, when there is no longer a solution.

On the other hand, family businesses can overcome the crisis little by little, so be patient. Do not think about salary increases or promotions, since the moment is not right for it.

In your free time, try to travel or change your scenery, because you are too stressed lately. Friendships are always the wild card of fun.

The best day of the week for Pisces: Saturday.

Tip of the week for Pisces: trust yours to feel good.

You want to know more? Discover the daily horoscope for Pisces or the personality characteristics of Pisces.