Know sign by sign What does your horoscope have in store for you this Monday, June 10, 2024?.

Clarín brings you the most accurate predictions and the most reliable advice of the astrology today for your sign in matters of health, love and money.


Horoscope today: You have the upper hand, do not miss the opportunity, exercise your freedom to choose how to react to situations.

Health: Try not to fall into a depressive pit even if things don’t work out. It is best to have a positive vision of the future.

Love: Jealousy and mistrust are killing this relationship. Ask yourself if it is worth continuing this way.

Money: Tension rises in the professional field due to discrepancies of interests. Don’t get involved in other people’s disputes.


Horoscope today: If you gather your gift for relationships and your ingenuity, in the face of any crisis you will find the professional and vocational direction.

Health: If you don’t stop eating disorderly, your body will take its toll. Respect the schedules and eat more vegetables and legumes.

Love: You are afraid to be honest, but you lash out. You dare to say and ask without censorship, but you wait anxiously for a response.

Money: Periods are approaching in which you will have an inclination towards popularity and will be opportune in certain specific aspects.


Horoscope today: Choose the right moment to say no, as it will prevent you from many discomforts that would not be temporary.

Health: Try to do some type of mediation during the day, this will give you a new lease of life to continue with your routine.

Love: Intense emotions. Your sex appeal will be on the surface. You will receive calls and different proposals. Think carefully before choosing what to do.

Money: It is not a good time for confrontations over money, unless you need it urgently, arm yourself with patience.


Horoscope today: You bonded with the positive side of every experience you had. Continue to leave aside prejudices and you will continue to move forward.

Health: Your health is good, but don’t try to lose hours of sleep. Practice an exercise even inside your home. It will be necessary for you to disconnect a little from obligations.

Love: Special status regarding your love relationships. You will have a great emotional need and you will feel bad if you are alone.

Money: You don’t usually look kindly on waste, but today you’re going to love treating yourself to a treat that will leave your account shaking.


Horoscope today: A day that will allow you to progress and make significant changes, both in the work area and in your relationships with others.

Health: Whoever turned their back on you at the least opportune moment may have done you a great favor. Don’t insist, let the bad memories go.

Love: Imposition is not a reliable weapon when negotiating with your partner. Complicated situations may arise for both of you.

Money: If you started a new business or profession, progress will come like a bolt of lightning. Finances will go slowly but surely.


Horoscope today: You could feel very strange, like with a weight inside. Don’t let jealousy and your possessive nature ruin your day.

Health: Awaken from your unconsciousness, that which is hidden in you, and do not carry any more guilt and suffering. Don’t let fear paralyze you.

Love: Good skin, little communication. Try to spend some time alone with your partner because you both need each other, a lot.

Money: Don’t be surprised if you are invited to enter politics, you will be recognized for your strength and perseverance at work.


Horoscope today: Courage at hand despite the fact that complications abound. A brave impetus will awaken in you, do what you can but don’t take its toll.

Health: You may have a delicate stomach these days. Be careful of packaged foods and excesses, you could have blood pressure problems.

Love: Tenderness will make you conquer the heart of the one you love. The interest in improving the emotional bond with your partner will be total.

Money: If the job crisis threatens you, you will have to fight it tooth and nail. No resigning yourself to the circumstances.


Horoscope today: You will experience a lesson about responsibility and dedication to work. Try not to forget it, so as not to trip over the same stone.

Health: Take care of your allergies, and especially these days be careful with your diet. Your body will be more sensitive than usual.

Love: You will feel an improvement on an emotional level. Your partner is also willing to give in if he can see that you are also interested.

Money: Good stage to study new work techniques. Even if you have to go through previous setbacks, there will be benefits.


Horoscope today: Try to expand your horizons and take action. Your deep intellectual qualities will help you make the right decisions.

Health: When a person offers you a favor, don’t forget that you will have to return it one of these days. Ask yourself if you really need that help.

Love: Your partner will resent more the small details that bother him about you, so be careful on this day. Pay attention.

Money: If you are thinking about changing jobs, it is time to leave it and venture down a new path. Take advantage of opportunities.


Horoscope today: There are new elements at the door, review your opinions on an important issue. If you can, abandon preconceived ideas.

Health: There are no issues like your own, think about it today and don’t try to intervene in other people’s problems. You will be happier this way and so will those around you.

Love: If you don’t have a partner, it’s time for you to go out, meet people and give yourself the opportunity for them to know you more and better.

Money: If you already have in mind what you need and how to get it, act. This period is favorable for economic progress.


Horoscope today: Your personality, without a doubt, will continue to open doors for you, try as much as possible not to change your way of being.

Health: Choose a time during the day and try to relax from all the tensions you have been accumulating. Do some sport.

Love: If your ideal is passionate love, you will end up surprised by the person you love. Open your eyes wide.

Money: This is not a good time for you to leave things to chance, be patient and pay attention to the way you act.


Horoscope today: You will have ups and downs of all kinds, work and love. These conflicts will keep you awake, but they will not last forever.

Health: If some frustrations or problems test your enthusiasm, be persistent. Don’t give up halfway, keep going.

Love: You will not be able to be in tune with your partner, you will have the feeling that he or she takes away your energy so you will try to isolate yourself.

Money: Today the changes will be monetary, money and the economy are mobilized. Interesting businesses that generate good income.

Consult now the horoscope for today and tomorrow for all the signs of the zodiac. You can also find out this week’s astrological panorama in our weekly horoscope.

Continue reading the Chinese horoscope 2024, what animal you are according to your date of birth and the characteristics of your sign.

Also, keep reading all the information that astrology has for you! The lunar calendar with all the phases, eclipses and signs and how the upcoming full Moon will affect the signs.

Also, everything about numerology 2024, tarot, sign compatibility and more.