The creators of Ozempic or Wegovy They have been awarded the Prince of Asturias for Research. This injection works with the pancreas to promote insulin secretion, so it is directly recommended for diabetics. But in recent years it has become a common medicine, very effective and at the same time controversial To lose weight. Although it is still very unknown in Spain, in the United States it has become a recurring topic of conversation because of the number of celebrities who have tried it.

Ozempic has become a controversial word in the United States. Firstly, because when it became fashionable to lose weight, there was a global shortage. While some were looking for this injection to treat her diabetes, there were those who wanted it to lose weight without also having an obesity problem.

Two packages of the medicine Ozempic against obesity and diabetes, the development of which has been possible thanks to the advances made by endocrinology experts Daniel J. Drucker, Jeffrey M. Friedman, Joel F. Habener, Jens Juul Holst and Svetlana Mojsov.
Two packages of the medicine Ozempic against obesity and diabetes, the development of which has been possible thanks to the advances made by endocrinology experts Daniel J. Drucker, Jeffrey M. Friedman, Joel F. Habener, Jens Juul Holst and Svetlana Mojsov. | EFE/ JLCereijido

The fatphobia debate among celebrities

He soon came on the scene the fatphobia debate and the sacrifices that society is willing to make for the beauty canon. Famous suspects began to be pointed out consume this medication, just as it was done in the 80s with heroin, in the 90s with rhinoplasties and last decade with facelifts of glutes.

“I’ve said what I’ve said about the potential harm of people using diabetes medication just to lose weight. I fear for everyone in the years to come. Rich people are using this medication without a prescription and paying more than 1,000 dollars while diabetics do not have access,” confessed actress Jameela Jamil. The interpreter of The Good Place She has been one of the few celebrities who has spoken clearly about the dark side of this injection.

“It’s an obsession mainstream in Hollywood. I hope this doesn’t end the same way as opioids.which they told us was safe [refiriéndose al fentanilo]. There is almost no conversation on the internet about the side effects, I am very worried but I cannot change anyone’s mind because of the fatphobia of our generation that has us suffocated,” she concluded.

What kind of celebrities take Ozempic?

In recent years, the celebrities who have admitted to having taken Ozempic or other similar medications have been very diverse. From former athletes like Billie Jean King, who said in April that he had started using Ozempic to manage his eating disorder. Even presenters like Oprah Winfrey, which has assured that it takes a variant but has not specified which one. “I use it as a tool to avoid having the yo-yo effect“, he admitted. Elon Musk has been another of those who has proudly revealed taking this medication to lose up to 13 kilos.

Others such as Kelly Clarkson or Whoopi Goldberg have admitted that they took variants of Ozempic for health reasons. “It’s something that helps break down sugar because obviously my body doesn’t do it well“, commented the singer. “My weight has come and gone, gone up and down, but it has never been a problem for me because I don’t listen to what other people say,” the actress added, specifying that she was taking Mounjaro (a medication to treat type 2 diabetes) during a television conversation.

Kelly Clarkson and Whoopi Goldberg pose on the singer's show, where they talked about Ozempic.
Kelly Clarkson and Whoopi Goldberg pose on the singer’s show, where they talked about Ozempic. | NBCUniversal

It doesn’t suit everyone

In cases of Sharon Osbourne, Chelsea Handler or Amy Schumer, all three have admitted that they took it for a while and then quit. In the case of the two comedians it was because they were affected too many side effectswhich usually include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain.

And among famous Spaniards there has also been movement regarding Ozempic, but practically no one has dared to admit its use. Carmen Jedet confessed in March that she had been taking the medicine “so as not to be hungry and stop eating”. “I really think this is dangerous and that we are losing weight,” he added, explaining that, in his perception, everyone in Hollywood was suddenly losing weight.

Those who deny taking the medication

But the largest group of celebrities in relation to Ozempic are all those who have denied having taken the medication despite his drastic weight change. Khloé Kardashian or Jessica Simpson have vehemently denied having taken Ozempic to lose weight, despite the fact that they have suddenly changed their figure.

Others like Mindy Kaling or Lady Gaga They have never referenced the injection, even though their fans assume they have used it. TVery little Lana del Rey or Christina Aguilera have spoken out about her sudden and drastic image changes.

Barbra Streisand and her indiscreet question

One of the most talked about cases recently had Barbra Streisand as the protagonist. It is unknown if she did it with good or bad intentions, but the well-known singer left a comment on Instagram which caused all kinds of responses. In a photo of Melissa McCarthy with Matthew Bourne, she wrote directly: “Say hi to him for me, have you taken Ozempic?”

Melissa McCarthy is 53 years old and, for as long as she has been known, she has had a more rounded figure than the Hollywood average. In a world where not even an extra kilo was allowed, The actress has stood out for having a different body type than usual. But in the last year she has worn tighter outfits that begged the question: Have you lost weight or changed stylists?

It is no secret that the difference between tunic dresses and fitted suits also offers a visible change in figure. But the general opinion was that Melissa McCarthy had lost weight, quite a bit, to which came Barbra Streisand’s comment. A question that was perhaps indelicate but was a common theme in the minds of her audience.

The unknown uses of Ozempic

As the world goes crazy over weight loss medication, experts point out the medical importance of the discovery. Although the long-term effects are not yet known, other consequences of the medication that favor ailments other than weight have been observed.

For example, a relationship has been found between medication and increased fertility, despite the fact that there are also adverse effects on the fetus after studies in rats. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using it for the purpose of pregnancy even though there is a growth of “Ozempic babies.” And probably in a related way, it has also been found that may be useful for people with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Latest studies relate this condition to insulin resistance, so the injection has also been recommended in these cases.

Finally, people who take Ozempic also seem to have in common a descent of desire, both in low libido and due to other types of impulses. From the alcohol consumption to drugs, through a lack of interest in biting nails or compulsive shopping. However, it is not recommended or approved for use as an addiction treatment.