Sara Carbonero that’s it recoveredbut she still has very much in mind what she suffered in 2019. Then, she was diagnosed with a malignant ovarian tumor during a routine check-up, an instant in which his life changed. She did it forever. Five years later she has not been the same, but how did she experience that stage in which she distanced herself from the media to focus solely on your health?

The journalist has photographed herself in front of the mirror to reveal what she sees when she looks in the mirror. A reflection that, in her case, helps her become aware and that more than 1,800 days later this serves to improve her self-esteem.

This is what she herself reveals, who, for the first time, says that she ran away from mirrors for months. She refused to see the more fragile version of herself, the one that, by the way, coincided with her sessions of chemotherapy. At that time, she was in Porto (Portugal), with her two children and away from her job, which she abandoned after requesting a temporary leave at Mediaset.

“My son told me I didn’t look like me”

“Due to life, I have already gone through times in which I ran away from them because I did not recognize the person who showed me the reflection, I even went three or four months without looking at myself in one. In one of those, at the end of the sixth and last cycle of chemotherapy, I was in bed, unable to move, and my oldest son lay down with me. After looking at me carefully, very strangely, he told me: “Mom, it’s just that you have gray eyebrows and you don’t look like yourself.””” Sara begins by saying.

Infanta CristinaInfanta Cristina

Iker Casillas’ ex lost her characteristic hair. As with many other patients, chemotherapy drugs They attack fast-growing cells, including hair roots. A very striking image for Sara and her family considering that she had even been the image of a well-known shampoo brand.