He International Congress of Dialogical Approachorganized by the Government of Navarrameets between this Tuesday and Wednesday in Bulwark to more than 400 professionals in the field of health, social services, education and justice to debate and reflect on the implementation of the dialogic approach in the model of care for people. A total of 275 people participate in the event in person and 169 do so electronically from different parts of Spain and other countries, such as Italy, Portugal or Finland.

The dialogic approach is a perspective that fits into the Model of attention focused on the person who is driving the Department of Social Rights, Social Economy and Employment. It is based on the fact that people and their needs come first and takes into account the relational networks that people have. Enables a way of thinking together with other people to find new solutions and possibilities for act in complex situations and problems. Its purpose is, in this sense, help people empower themselves so that new possibilities and solutions to their difficulties can be opened and implemented. Thus, in the specific field of care, the dialogic approach is committed to ensuring that the people targeted by the interventions take an active part in them.

According to the Government of Navarra, the Minister of Social Rights, Social Economy and Employment, Mª Carmen Maeztu, participated in the opening of the event and explained that the choice of this model lies in the Government of Navarra’s commitment to the person-centered care model, taking into account their private networks and their needs, defined by themselves. Likewise, Maeztu has pointed out that another reason for the implementation of the dialogic approach is that “it is based on networking, between different professionals and services from different fields, something that allows multi-problem cases to be addressed.” In this sense, the counselor has highlighted the importance of considering teams, care areas and networks as work communities that are also learning communities: “The health of a work community is visible in the quality of its reflective and dialogue spaces.”

In 2021, through financing from European funds Next Generation EU of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the Government of Navarra launched a dialogic approach training inspired by the work experiences developed in healthcare services in Finland. In his speech, Maeztu thanked the more than 200 people who participated in the course, which lasted 14 months and had a theoretical and a practical part in the jobs, in the form of support networks distributed throughout Navarra: “Thank you for your generosity and for being willing to know and do, that is, to dedicate time to related issues with the practices of our work.” In its commitment to this model, in addition to this training, the Department of Social Rights, Social Economy and Employment provides for the constitution of a training and facilitation team in Dialogical Approachthe creation of a web space, as well as the launch of a stable and permanent training offer in the Government of Navarra and in the Public University of Navarra.

After the institutional opening of the day, the general director of Planning, Coordination, Innovation and Evaluation of Public Policies, Luis Campos, has presented the main results of the ‘Networking with a dialogic approach’ project, accompanied by different experts who have participated in the project, such as the Finnish entrepreneur Heikki Ervast; the Finnish trainer in dialogic methodsJukka Hakola; the director of Education of the University of Lapland, Katri Kuusela; or the coordinator of education and development services at the same university, Outi Kugapi. Likewise, the professor emeritus of the National Institute of Health and Welfare of Helsinki, has also given a lecture, Tom Arnkil.

In addition, a round table was held with the aim of sharing the experiences of applying the dialogic approach in Navarra, in which several professionals from different areas participated: the head of the Mental Health Section of the Tudela Health Area , Jose Antonio Gil; the teacher at the Resource Center for Educational Equity in Navarra, Beatriz Muga; the coordinator of the Tafalla Area Social Services Center, Jesus Garcia; and the deputy director of Nuevo Futuro, Laura Iparraguirre. They have also been part of the table Pedro María Viguriasocial worker at the Pamplona City Council; David Soberanasfamily psychotherapist; Sandra Syriaprofessor and researcher at UPNA; Sonia Cabrerosocial worker Egüés Valley City Council; and Patricia Díaz de Radapsychomotor specialist at the Early Care Service.

In addition, today’s day will close with the celebration of the workshop ‘Moving towards a new model of care in Navarra’.


The entrepreneur and CEO at Dialogues & Design will participate again in the opening of the event tomorrow, Heikki Ervastand after his intervention a round table will be held, this time focused on international experiences in the field of the dialogic approach. Experts from different European countries will also participate in this debate, such as Anna Lucia CarrettaNeuropsychiatry rehabilitation coordinator for adolescents in Milan; Tatiana Sariussociologist at the Department of Innovation in Health and Social Services of the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna; Adriano Fernandes, director of Innovation at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Amadora in Portugal; and again the Finnish trainer Jukka Hakola.

Tomorrow, another round table will also be held, focused on the change in the care model and strategies for a new professional praxis in which Counselor Maeztu will participate on behalf of the Government of Navarra. In addition, the table will be attended by the director of the Program of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland, Harri Jokiranta, and with Mónica Pedroni, social and socio-educational policy advisor in Bologna. Finally, the general director Luis Campos will participate in the closing of the congress.


The celebration of this congress It is part of the agreement signed in 2021 between the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and the Department of Social Rights of the Government of Navarra, intended to execute different projects funded by European funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

Specifically, among the projects included in the agreement, it included ‘Networking with a dialogic approach’, an initiative on the application of the dialogic approach to improve comprehensive and person-centered care services. This is a project that is carried out in a coordinated manner between the departments of Social Rights, Social Economy and Employment and Presidency and Equality.