A melanoma usually arises on the skin, although it can also occur on the mucous membranes or in the eyes. Its development is more common on the legs (in women), the torso and the neck (in men), but it is important to check the entire skin. surface of the body, experts warn / (Getty Images)
A melanoma usually arises on the skin, although it can also occur on the mucous membranes or in the eyes. Its development is more common on the legs (in women), the torso and the neck (in men), but it is important to check the entire skin. surface of the body, experts warn / (Getty Images)

The fur It is the largest and one of the most visible organs in the human body. With almost two square meters of average surface area, is more exposed to the sun and that is why it is more prone to cellular damage and the emergence of melanoma.

In it World Melanoma Dayit must be noted that this disease is a tumor that originates in melanocytes, which are cells specialized in the synthesis of pigment (melanin). It develops on the skin in 90% of caseswhile in the remaining 10% it corresponds to less frequent locations such as mucosal melanoma, uveal melanoma (eyes) or occult primary melanoma.

With the aim of raising awareness among the population, specialists from the Roffo Hospital of the University of Buenos Aires highlight the importance of early diagnosis of this pathology. It is because About 80% of patients do not have disease elsewhere in the body (metastasis) at the time of diagnosis, early consultation and appropriate treatment represent the best chance of curing the disease.

“Although it corresponds to less than 2% of adult skin tumors, It is responsible for 75% of deaths from skin cancer. In this sense, in recent decades a significant increase in the incidence of this tumor has been observed,” says the doctor. Sergio Quildrian, Surgeon, Sarcoma and Melanoma Functional Unit “Ángel H. Roffo” Institute of Oncology.

Experts say that it is most common in men or women between 59 and 60 years old, but this disease can occur at any age, even in children (Conicet)
Experts say that it is most common in men or women between 59 and 60 years old, but this disease can occur at any age, even in children (Conicet)

The expert stated that among the risk factor’s stands out mainly exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, mainly due to sun exposure, although there are other sources of UV rays such as sunbeds.

In addition, there are other factors associated with its appearance such as skin type: white or redhead (less common in black patients), the presence of multiple nevi (moles), a history of having had other skin tumors, a family history of melanoma, sunburn in childhood and age, as it is rare to observe in children).

“Although in most cases the Melanomas present as dark skin lesions in different shades from black to brown, whether flat or nodular, it must be taken into account that some tumors do not present the characteristic pigment and “They can be confused with benign lesions, they are called amelanotic melanomas.”highlighted the expert regarding the symptoms and presentation.

And he added: “Many melanomas, although not all, are usually suspected based on the rule called ABCDE, which refers to the letters A, for Asymmetry of the tumor, B, for its irregular edges, C for heterogeneous color, D, for the increase in Diameter, and E for the modification over time or Evolution.”

In Argentina, more than 1,700 people are diagnosed with melanoma (Illustrative Image Infobae)
In Argentina, more than 1,700 people are diagnosed with melanoma (Illustrative Image Infobae)

This allows them to be differentiated from nevi or benign “moles”, which are generally symmetrical lesions., with regular edges, homogeneous color, small diameter and that do not change over time. Melanoma can be painless, present spontaneous bleeding, pruritus (itching) or eventually be associated with an increase in the size of a nearby lymph node, generally located in the neck, armpit or groin.”

“It is essential to limit exposure to UV rays. This prevention measure can reduce the risk of the appearance of not only cutaneous melanoma but also other skin tumors. Regular consultation with a dermatologist (at least once a year) and the appearance of any suspicious lesion on the skin will allow the detection of the disease in early stages with a greater chance of control and cure. Self-examination is of great value, since more than half of the time it is the patient who detects a potentially malignant lesion,” they concluded from the Buenos Aires health entity.

At a global level, according to According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 331,722 new cases were diagnosed in 2022, of which 20,117 corresponded to Latin America and more than 1,600 to Argentina. 40% of cases are diagnosed before the age of 55 and, according to projections from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that by 2025 the number of deaths from melanoma could increase by 20 percent.

The tumor can be seen in the eyes and nails, as well as on the skin.
The tumor can be seen in the eyes and nails, as well as on the skin.

According to studies carried out by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Argentina, cancer has a rate of incidence of 212 cases per 100 thousand, A figure that positions it among the countries in the world with a medium-high incidence of cancer.

The doctor Carlos Silva, medical coordinator of the Argentine League to Fight Cancer (LALCEC), explained: “Melanoma is a malignant tumor. One of the types of skin cancer, not the most common, but the most aggressive. It is manifested by the appearance of a pigmented area on healthy skin or by the change in color or size of a mole. They originate from melanocytes, cells that produce skin pigment (melanin), in areas adjacent to a mole or directly on a pre-existing mole. It is closely related to sun exposure due to the carcinogenic effect of ultraviolet radiation.”

Regarding early diagnosis, he said that it greatly improves the prognosis and survival of affected patients, since most of the initial stages can be treated.

Melanoma is a neoplasm that arises from melanocytes, which are the cells that produce pigment in the skin (EFE)
Melanoma is a neoplasm that arises from melanocytes, which are the cells that produce pigment in the skin (EFE)

“He Dermatological control is essential. You should visit the dermatologist once a year, preferably before vacationing if you are going to be exposed to the sun. For some people with numerous benign pigmented lesions (nevus), the dermatologist may perform other studies to record the lesions and monitor whether there are changes in their appearance or the appearance of new lesions,” the expert said.

According to global statistics, those who are most at risk of suffering from melanoma are those people with very fair skin, who always turn red in the sun and never tan; people with a large number of moles; those who have atypical moles; immunosuppression of different causes and direct relatives of people who have suffered from melanoma.

The most important preventable factor is repeated sun exposure. People who are most exposed to ultraviolet rays (UV rays) They are more likely to suffer from skin cancer.

“Faced with this – added Dr. Silva – care against sun exposure must be maintained throughout the year. We talk about not exposing yourself to the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., protecting yourself in the shade, covering yourself with clothing, hats and sunglasses, wearing light colors and loose-fitting clothing, using sunscreen with more than 30 SPF (Sun Protection Factor). and protect, especially, children from the sun. “Infants under 1 year of age should avoid exposure completely.”