More than 1,500 Health Directors from all over Spain will meet from Tuesday, May 22 to May 24, at the Valencia Conference Center at the XIII National Conference of the Spanish Society of Health Directors (SEDISA), which will take place celebrate under the motto Management…

More than 1,500 Health Directors from all over Spain will meet from Tuesday, May 22 to May 24, at the Valencia Conference Center in the XIII National Conference of the Spanish Society of Health Directors (SEDISA), which are celebrated under the motto Global Health Management. In the words of Jose Soto Bonel, president of SEDISA, “Global Health Management encompasses at least two concepts: the work in Health Management in a collaborative, interdisciplinary manner and the involvement of all the protagonists of the Health System, and the #OneHealth concept, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the approach aimed at collaboration at all levels of a country to achieve the best possible results in the health of the population”. Not in vain, the The XIII National Conference of SEDISA has the collaboration of 70 scientific societies and entities from the health sector, which form the Scientific Committee of the Conference.

“We will address in an interdisciplinary manner the evolution that Health Management must make in terms of talent in Organizations, the economic resources necessary for the structural development of a model of these characteristics and the development of interoperability and the availability and capacity for data exploitation of patient health through the use of new technologies”, Explain Francisco Dolz Sinisterra, president of the XIII National Conference of SEDISA. “To this end, there will be 32 innovation sessions, symposiums and debate tables, separate tables of Health Advisors and Managers of Regional Health Services and a One Health Master Conference, around the 6 thematic areas (Global Health #ONEHealth, Strategy , Data, Users, Transformation and robotics)”.

Regarding the presence of Global Health Management in the Health Organizations of our country, according to the Perception Survey on Global Health Managementin which more than 140 Health Managers from all over Spain participated on Global Health Management, “Organizations in our country have an important interest in Global Health Managementalthough its implementation is below said interest and the use of data to measure and evaluate the contribution of this Global Health Management is still very low in some areas, especially #OneHealth, Transformation and robotics and Talent”, explains Francisco Dolz Sinisterra.

In this sense, all the areas studied (#OneHealth, Strategy, Data, Users, Transformation and Robotics and Talent) are of interest to Healthcare Organizations in our country, with an average interest of 4.55 out of 7. Of them , the one that arouses the greatest interest in Healthcare Organizations is Data (4.79 out of 7), followed by Strategy (4.65 out of 7), Users (4.61 out of 7), #OneHealth (4. 47 out of 7), Transformation and robotics (4.42 out of 7) and Talent (4.35 out of 7). However, the implementation of these areas in Healthcare Organizations is below this interest. With an average implementation of 4 out of 7.

The area with the greatest implementation is Data (4.20 out of 7), followed by Users (4.12 out of 7), Strategy (4.08 out of 7), #OneHealth and Talent (both with a 3 .90 out of 7) and Transformation and robotics (3.83 out of 7). Data is also the area in which the use of indicators is most implemented to know the contribution of Global Health Management projects in Healthcare Organizations (68.82%), followed by Strategy (49.46%). , Users (43.01%), #OneHealth (26.88%), Transformation and robotics (17.20%) and Talent (12.90%).

According to José Soto Bonel, “There is still a long way to go in the mission of implementing measurement to do Value-Based Health Management. The role and value contributed by Health Directors in this is very considerable and forums such as the XIII National SEDISA Conference are very useful for updating trends, knowing the good practices carried out in our country and sharing ideas to promote their implementation.

InnovACTION Forum Abiera-INNOVA Health Network

The XIII National SEDISA Conference begins its development with the celebration of two pre-Conference sessions. One of them is being dedicated to the INNOVA Red Salud project, which brings together a series of actions to promote the response to the great challenge of connecting the world of innovation with Healthcare Organizations, something for which coordination, supervision and collaboration is essential. of healthcare managers. According to Francisco Dolz Sinisterra, member of the Advisory Committee of INNOVA Red Saludwhich has the collaboration of the consulting firm Dinamiza, “This is a project with a clear differentiation and contribution of value compared to the rest of the currently existing programs, based on the prior identification and resolution of the needs and challenges of health innovation, with the key piece in this work being the Directors of Health responsible for Health Organizations, within the framework, also, of the creation of entrepreneurial culture and productivity”. With these objectives, the Open InnovACTION Forum takes place, a meeting in which the Map of INNOVATION and DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION challenges, needs and solutions for the National Health System and in which a Speed ​​Networking (one to one meetings) between Health Directors and around thirty Startups.

Professionalization of Health Managers

In addition, today the session Professional Framework of the Management Function in Health Organizations is also held at the XIII National Conference of SEDISA, under the premise that “To attract the best and lead with excellence, we must pursue commitment and good governance in all areas of health management, putting continuous improvement at the center”Explain Dulce Ramirez, vice president of SEDISA, coordinator of the Professionalization Committee of the Society and who participates as a speaker in the session. Managers have the duty to offer and manage comprehensive quality and sustainable care and, to do so, not just anyone can be in charge, but trained and recognized professionals are required.”

Along with the launch of the Degree in Healthcare Management, ADE with an itinerary in Healthcare Management, being the first Degree of this type in Europe, SEDISA has proposed 3 other lines of work proposed and developed by the Society’s Professionalization Committee, such as are to promote the professional development of Health Managers, achieve certification of managerial skills and their social and professional recognition. Regarding SEDISA’s Continuing Professional Development, the head of the SEDISA Professionalization Committee explains that “has the objective of establishing a circle of continuous improvement through the competency map, which establishes the knowledge, skills, aptitudes and commitment that the Health Director must have.” To date, the Society has developed the Competency Map of the Director of Health Organization, the Head of Hospital Pharmacy, the Medical Director and, currently, work is being done on the Director of Care Continuity.

In parallel, the development of a web platform is being finalized that will allow a self-assessment of the managerial profile and skills and, on the other hand, promote improvement, so that a health manager will be able to certify his skills and train in those skills that are less developed.

Totally sustainable meeting

Given that sustainability is one of the great challenges of our Health System, the XIII National Conference is committed to being sustainable. Held at the Valencia Congress Palace, awarded as the Best Congress Palace in the World in 2018 and 2010, from SEDISA, there will be held Completely sustainable National Days. “The catering will be based on local seasonal products, in addition, the way to the Valencia Conference Center will be facilitated through other means of transport that reduce or do not increase the carbon footprint, facilitating nearby hotels, metro trips (there is a metro entrance nearby) and means such as bicycles or means powered by clean energy”, explains Francisco Dolz Sinisterra.