There is a discipline called chrononutrition which seeks to synchronize the diet with biological cycles in order to improve metabolic efficiency and nutritional balance.

Specialists in this field know that The time of day that food is consumed significantly influences the way it is processed. and how digestion is carried out.

As explained by Dr. Daniela Silvaspecialist in Internal Medicine and E-Health Medical Manager of Cigna Healthcare Spain.

  • “Our bodies are governed by circadian cycles, which are biological rhythms of approximately 24 hours that influence in various bodily functions, including metabolism, the digestion and energy levels. These rhythms are synchronized with the natural cycle of light and darkness, sinceaffect how our body processes food at different times of the day.

For example:

  1. “In the morning, Our metabolism is more active, which allows us process food more efficiently.

  2. “At night, the body prepares for rest and digestion becomes slower“, which suggests that light and early dinners are more beneficial.”

Tips for adapting our nutrition to changes in summer habits

During the summer all biorhythms are modified. The longer days, the heat, the changes of schedule in the working day labor and the increase in Outdoor activities influence appetite, meal plan and therefore the way the body processes food.

This can lead us to lose control of our eating habits, which can negatively affect our energy levels and health. In order to avoid this, Cigna Healthcare experts provide some Tips to try, as far as possible, to adapt to our biological clock during the summer.

  • Eat more during breakfast and lunch.

As experts in chrononutrition indicate, “the body does not work the same way 24 hours a day; eating during working hours is not the same as eating in the early morning.” Thus, Eating at odd times, even if they are very healthy foods, can prevent us from assimilating all the nutrients that these good products should provide to our body.

To avoid this, and taking advantage of the fact that we have more time on vacation, Specialists recommend “consuming most of your daily calories in the breakfast and the lunchwhen the metabolism is more active”. On the other hand, the Dinners should be light and “at an early time” “that allows proper digestion before going to sleep,” explains Cigna. This way we will avoid sleep problems.

  • Avoid food jet lag.

If there is usually a difference between meal times on weekdays and holidays, summer and vacations can disrupt the biological clock more obviously. And if we travel to countries with another time zone, even more so. So the recommendation is Try to adjust meals to the new schedules to try to resynchronize this clockavoiding eating at dawn and trying to adapt to the new time zone.

  • Follow a seasonal diet.

With the thermometer on the rise, they want Lighter, more refreshing foods like fruits and vegetables. So let’s indulge ourselves in these treats that will help us cope with the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion caused by rising temperatures. “It is also preferable to consume small, frequent meals throughout the day instead of heavy meals,” the specialists add.

The heat, vacations, and dinner outings can mean that in summer we do not get the hours and quality of sleep that are desirable. And this impacts our body since the lack of rest is directly related to an increase in overweight by altering the hormones that regulate hungerincreasing appetite and reducing satiety, leading to a higher calorie intake.

So, as experts point out:

Aligning the sleep-wake cycle with food intake helps regulate the release of key hormones, such as melatonin and cortisol. In this sense, there are also certain nutrients that when consumed At strategic times they can enhance the production of neurotransmitters that induce relaxation and deep sleep.or, like those present in bananas or oats”.