Moderate coffee consumption can be integrated into a healthy diet (Illustrative image Infobae)

In many countries, a large majority of adults consume caffeine daily, in the morning and throughout the rest of the day. However, for years, the coffee has been the subject of intense debate in the medical and scientific community.

While some initial studies suggested possible health risks, recent research has changed this perception, highlighting the potential benefits of moderate coffee consumption.

This change in perspective is largely due to the exhaustive studies carried out in recent years by experts from prestigious institutions such as the TH Chan School of Public Health Harvard University.

The benefits of coffee are greater if it is consumed without cream or sugar (Illustrative Image Infobae)

According to the doctor Frank Hu, director of the Nutrition Department from the TH Chan School of Public Health harvard“the overall evidence is quite compelling that coffee has been more healthy than harmful in terms of health outcomes. For most people, moderate coffee consumption can be incorporated into a healthy diet.”.

Recent research supports this claim, suggesting that the consumption of 2 to 5 cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetesthe heart diseaseshe Liver cancer and the endometriumas well as the Parkinson’s disease and the depression.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Harvard professors Frank Hu and Walter Willetttogether with Dr. Rob M. van Dam, analyzed 95 previous studies on caffeine and caffeinated beverages.

The authors concluded that the consumption of three to five standard cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of several chronic diseases. However, they also warned about the adverse effects of high consumption of caffeine, such as lower birth weight and increased risk of pregnancy loss.

Experts from the Harvard School of Public Health affirm that up to five cups of coffee a day can be part of a balanced diet (Illustrative Image Infobae)

“Current evidence does not justify recommending caffeine or coffee consumption for disease prevention, but suggests that for adults who are not pregnant or breastfeeding and do not have specific health conditions, moderate consumption of coffee or tea may be part of of a healthy life style”the authors wrote.

A study made in 2020 by Derrick Alperetresearcher of the Harvard School of Public Healthfound an association between consumption of four cups of coffee a day and a 4% reduction in body fat. The scientists clarified that these benefits are obtained whenever coffee is consumed without cream or sugar.

The research highlighted that coffee contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compoundswhich could be responsible for the positive effects observed on health.

This finding is consistent with previous research suggesting that moderate coffee consumption is linked to a lower risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is unlikely to cause damage to the stomach, but it could cause heartburn (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The doctor Trisha Pasrichagastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and professor at Harvard Medical School, explained in a newspaper article The New York Times that There is no solid evidence that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can cause significant damage to the stomach..

According to Kim Barrett, of the University of California School of Medicine and a member of the board of directors of the American Gastroenterological Association, “the stomach has natural protection mechanisms, like the secretion of thick mucus that protects it from irritants.” Large-scale studies, such as one conducted in Japan with 8,000 people, found no link between coffee consumption and the formation of stomach ulcers.

However, coffee does have temporary effects on the digestive system, such as accelerating intestinal transit and increasing acid production in the stomach. Consuming coffee alone, without food to accompany it, can reduce the stomach pH more than if it is taken with other foods or with milk, which could theoretically be problematic for the esophagus and cause heartburn, said the Harvard specialist.

On a general level, Dr. Pasricha recommends that people consider their symptoms. If you experience acidity or sour taste after drinking coffee, it could be helpful reduce the amount, take antacids or add milk. However, if no symptoms occur, there is no reason to change the habit.

According to Dr. Frank Hu, director of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, “the evidence is quite convincing that coffee is more healthy than harmful in terms of health outcomes” (Illustrative image Infobae )

Despite its benefits, Harvard researchers noted that there are certain risks associated with high coffee consumption. Too much caffeine can cause anxietyespecially in people with panic or anxiety disorders. Additionally, unfiltered coffee has been linked to higher rates of premature death due to compounds that can raise levels of LDL (popularly called “bad” cholesterol). For this reason, experts recommend preparing coffee with a paper filter and avoiding adding large amounts of cream or sugar.

Likewise, certain groups should exercise caution when consuming coffee. The effects of caffeine in children They are not yet fully known, and this could be harmful during pregnancy. Additionally, high consumption of caffeinated energy drinks, especially when mixed with alcohol, may increase the risk of adverse cardiovascular, psychological, and neurological effects.

As Infobae detailed, coffee contains a wide range of chemical compounds that can impact health, according to Marilyn Cornelis, associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

That is why Excess caffeine can cause symptoms such as palpitations, nervousness, anxiety, nausea or trouble falling asleep, said Jennifer Temple, a professor of exercise and nutrition sciences at the University at Buffalo. Caffeine poisoning is related to ingesting too much concentrated caffeine, such as powders or supplements, in a short period of time, she explained.

For healthy adults, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes a safe consumption at 400 milligrams per day (i.e. approximately four or five cups of coffee), this amount is generally not associated with negative and dangerous effects. However, they caution that there is wide variation in both how sensitive people are to the effects of caffeine and how quickly they metabolize it.