Lifestyle habits and physical exercise are fundamental factors to prevent colorectal cancer

Colon and rectal cancer represents the second cause of death in our country, after lung cancer and breast cancer. Until now, the incidence of this disease had been associated, above all, with an advanced age, and experts recommend carrying out the relevant screening tests starting at age 50, but, in recent times, we have seen how the trend has been changing. “While in recent years we see how in those over 50 the incidence decreases or is maintained, we are observing a significant increase in cases in younger patients (under 50)”, reports Dr. José Ignacio Martín Valadés, head of the Multidisciplinary Unit of Digestive Tumors and Peritoneal Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, in this article by MD Andersen Cancer Center.

If we bring the magnifying glass closer to the colorectal cancer data in Spain, “in 2022, the figures were 28,706 cases of colon cancer and 14,664 cases of rectal cancer,” tells us Iosune Baraibar Argota, oncologist at the Cancer Unit. of Colón of the Vall d’Hebron Hospital and the Institute of Oncology of the Vall d’Hebron Hospital (VHIO). According to a study, there would be data that reveal that the increase in cases in young people is a global trend in countries such as Europe, North America and Oceania, in which the rebound in these ages begins in the middle of the 90’s; a trend that has continued to increase in recent years.

The question that arises is, why has this happened? “The causes of the increase in colorectal cancer in the young population, understanding young as under 50 years of age, are unknown, although it is true that worldwide an increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer is being observed in this population group. This is something we are currently studying and it could be related to life habitssuch as food and sedentary lifestyle, but the cause is still not known for sure today. Currently, the screening program begins at age 50, which means that younger segments of the population are left out of it,” explains Dr. Baraibar.

But, in addition, when we talk about the possible causes of its origin, we must also mention the possible alteration of a microbiomea discovery that Dr. Josep Tabernero, director of the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) and head of the Medical Oncology Service at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, ​​explains in an interview with The world: “The mechanisms involved have not yet been established, but we do know that early-onset colorectal cancer has a microbiome that is different from that of the normal population and from colorectal cancer that occurs at an older age.” And he adds: “We know that factors such as diet, obesity, breastfeeding or the consumption of antibiotics influence the composition of the microbiome. It is important that these drugs are taken only when necessary.”

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms by which colorectal cancer usually occurs, determined after a global review of 55 studies, are usually abdominal pain, in 55% of cases, rectal bleeding, in 46%, weight loss, in 35% and a change in intestinal rhythm, in 32% of cases.

Those under 50 are not included in the early detection campaigns, which can lead to a late diagnosis and, therefore, the tumors being advanced when they are discovered at younger ages. “What this causes is a diagnostic delay“either because the patient takes a long time to consult or because it is not suspected that someone young may have this disease,” the doctor explains to us.

What can we do to prevent? In this case, the experts’ recommendations for the general population, according to the oncologist, are to “follow a healthy lifestyle and Consult your doctor if any of the symptoms appear (abdominal pain, changes in intestinal rhythm, blood in stools, etc.)”, as well as any of the aforementioned. The message could be summarized in that “just because you are younger it is not impossible to have colon cancer or the risk of suffering from it at younger ages is not zero,” adds the oncologist.

Early detection saves lives

However, if we look at the figures again, the probability of survival from colorectal cancer can be up to multiply by six thanks to early detection and it is estimated that up to 90% of patients can be cured if they are diagnosed early, according to data shared by the Health services of the Community of Madrid.

And what are these reviews and screening tests like? “Currently in Spain we have a population screening program for colorectal cancer that is carried out in the general population from 50 to 69 years old and it consists of a fecal occult blood test that is performed at home,” the doctor tells us. It is a test that is performed very simply at home and the result is obtained in a few days. If this is positive, “a colonoscopy is performed to see if there is any malignant or premalignant lesion. This makes it possible to eliminate injuries that, in the long term, could become serious, and that these can be detected in early stages”.

Is it expected that the age of this early detection population screening may vary? The truth is that in countries like the United States or Canada, and due to the increase in cases in those under 50, these are already being implemented. tests from 45 years old, as Dr. Tabernero explains in the same interview, “and probably, at the rate we are going, in 10 years we will have to lower it even more. But these changes always have to be determined by the certainty that you are going to have an impact, that lives are going to be saved,” he adds.

As the doctor told us, the possible causes of colon cancer are currently being studied, but it is believed that its appearance could be multifactorial. On the one hand, due to an unhealthy lifestyle, and on the other, the possible influence of environmental factors, among others. “The main recommendation is to lead a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, high in fiber and low in pro-inflammatory or ultra-processed foods; and the habitual practice of physical exercise, trying to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Likewise, it is also very important adherence to the population screening program in the target population,” warns the oncologist.

And the treatment of colon cancer in young people does not differ from that of older patients, but it is important to address it from the diagnosis, the psychosocial impact and the consequences that this disease can cause in the patient. The objective, of course, is to provide a higher quality of life, in general, and in particular, to offer help in conditions related to subsequent depression, insecurity, sexual dysfunction or fertility problems, or other possible problems derived from this oncological disease.

Photos | Edward Jenner Karolina Grabowska Anastasia Shuraeva

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