The jeltzale Ibone Bengoetxea will be the first vice-lehendakari in the new Basque Government of Imanol Pradales, in which the socialist Mikel Torres will be the second vice-lehendakari. The new Executive will have 15 Departments, 10 for PNV and 5 for the PSE-EE, with María Ubarrechena (PNV) as spokesperson. Only Bingen Zupiria, who will be Minister of Security, Javier Hurtado, who maintains his portfolio, and Nerea Melgosa, who will be Minister of Welfare, Youth and Demographic Challenge, repeat. The new Health Minister will be Alberto Martínez. The PNV will occupy, in addition to the first vice president, the Departments of Culture and Linguistic Policy; Treasury and Finance; Governance, Digital Administration and Self-Government; Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability; Security; Education; Health; Wellbeing, Youth and Demographic Challenge; Science, Universities and Innovation and Food, Rural Development and Fisheries. For its part, the PSE-EE will occupy the second vice president, in addition to the Economy, Labor and Employment portfolios; Housing and Urban Agenda; Sustainable Mobility; Tourism, Commerce and Consumption; and Justice and Human Rights. In this Executive, the Departments vary, some of which are divided and new ones are created, such as Sustainable Mobility; Science, Universities and Innovation; Welfare; youth and Demographic Challenge or Food, Rural Development and Fisheries. In total, there are seven women and eight men, who are joined by Imanol Pradales as Lehendakari. The first vice-lehendakari and Minister of Culture and Linguistic Policy will be the jeltzale Ibone Bengoetxea. She graduated in Psychology from the University of Deusto, since 2021 she has been in the Management Directorate of EITB. Her political career began in 2003 at the Bilbao City Council, where she has been Councilor for Circulation and Transport, Culture and Education. From 2011 to 2015, she presided over Eudel and between 2015 and 2021 she was regional deputy for Public Administration and Institutional Relations. The second vice president will be the socialist Mikel Torres, who will also hold the position of Minister of Economy, Labor and Employment. Born in Portugalete in 1970, he has a degree in Economics and Business Sciences from the UPV. He is the mayor of Portugalete from 2008 to 2024 and general secretary of the PSE-EE of Bizkaia since 2014. Noël d’Anjou Olaizola will be Minister of Treasury and Finance. Born in Irún in 1975, he started at the Crédit Agricole Indosuez Group as a financial advisor. Since 2014 he has held various roles at Kutxabank and, since 2023, he has been Director of Retail Business Development and since March 2024, also a director at Norbolsa. He has a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Deusto. MARÍA UBARRECHENA, SPOKESPERSON María Ubarrechena will be the spokesperson for the Basque Government and advisor for Governance, Digital Administration and Self-Government. Born in Urretxu in 1980, she has a degree in Humanities and Business from the University of Deusto. The jeltzale has been mayor of Arrasate-Mondragon (2015 – 2023), director of Social Economy in the Basque Government and deputy of Road Infrastructures of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa until today. Mikel Jauregi Letemendia, graduate in Sociology from the University of Deusto, will be the Minister of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability. Born in Zarautz in 1974, he currently worked in the United Kingdom as a manager at Centrica Plc. Between 2020 and 2022 he worked at BP Plc. The until now Government spokesperson and Minister of Culture and Linguistic Policy, Bingen Zupiria, will become Security Minister. Born in Hernani in 1961, he has a degree in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Deusto. With an extensive career in the field of communication, in November 2016 he assumed his position in the Government. Begoña Pedrosa will be the new Minister of Education. From 2020 to 2024 she has been Deputy Minister of Education of the Basque Government. Previously she was Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences at Mondragon Unibertsitatea (2014-2020). She has a doctorate in Applied Linguistics from the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU). The former delegate of the central government in the Basque Country, Denis Itxaso, will be the Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda. Born in San Sebastián in 1975, he has a degree in Political Sciences and Administration from the UPV-EHU. He has also worked in the Donostia-San Sebastián City Council and in the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Alberto Martínez will occupy the position of Health Minister. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), he is a Doctor of Medicine from the UPV-EHU (2013). In his professional career he has been head of the Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy Service at the Cruces University Hospital from 2002 to the present and Associate Professor of Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine of the UPV-EHU. The until now Minister of Justice, Equality and Social Policies, Nerea Melgosa, will occupy a newly created Department and will be Minister of Welfare, Youth and Demographic Challenge. She has a degree in Sociology and Political Science from the University of Deusto, and from 2019 to 2020 she held the position of director of Equality and Human Rights in the Álava Provincial Council and has also worked in the Vitoria City Council. Another new Department will be that of Sustainable Mobility, which will be occupied by Susana García Chueca. She has a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid and has held various positions in the PSE-EE. In the workplace, she has worked in private companies between 1995 and 1998 before entering institutional politics at the Donostia-San Sebastián City Council as Councilor for Social Welfare and Equality in 1999. In 2003 she joined the General Meetings of Gipuzkoa as socialist union, a position she has held to this day. Furthermore, in 2010 she assumed the Treasury Department. Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias will be Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation. Born in Salamanca in 1960, he was rector of the UPV-EHU between 2004 and 2008, and is Professor of Physiology. The socialist Javier Hurtado repeats and is the only one who will hold the same responsibilities, so he will continue to head Tourism, Commerce and Consumption. He has a degree in Law and Political Science from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). Between 2019 and 2020, he was deputy for Road Infrastructure and Mobility in the Provincial Council of Álava. Between 2009 and 2011 he was general director of the Cabinet of the Minister of Public Works in the Government of Spain. A specific department of Food, Rural Development and Fisheries has also been created, which Amaia Barredo will occupy. Graduated in Food Science and Technology from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of the Basque Country (1988-1992), since July 2023 she has been Deputy for Sustainability, Agriculture and the Natural Environment in the Provincial Council of Álava. Previously, she was Deputy Minister of Environmental Sustainability in the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government (October 2020-July 2023). She has also worked at the Vitoria City Council. The PSE-EE, unlike what happened in the previous legislature, will be in charge of Justice and Human Rights, so it will manage prisons. This portfolio will be occupied by María Jesús San José, who has a Law Degree from the University of Deusto, currently a parliamentarian and she was also a member in the XII Legislature. Between 2016 and 2020 she held the position of Minister of Justice and Labor of the Basque Government and, previously, she was Director of Public Function of the Provincial Council of Álava. She is a member of the PSE-EE Executive of Álava.