According to data from the American Academy of Dermatology, about 9,500 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed every day in the United States. (Shutterstock)

The fur does a lot for you. The largest organ of the body has three main layers –epidermis, dermis and hypodermis– and creates a barrier against potentially harmful substances, while helping to regulate the body temperature. He’s out there every day fighting for you. health.

But, as strong as it is, the skin is also susceptible to suffering. damageespecially because of the sunas 20% of the population knows well Americans diagnosed of skin cancer throughout his life. The skin damage It may take years to appear, but it can be fatal.

“It doesn’t matter age that you have, nor the level of sun damageIt’s never too late to take care of your skin. Start by protect her Now,” he says Catherine Pisanomicrographic surgeon of Mohs and cutaneous oncologist at the Harvard Medical School.

Here’s what experts say about how to protect your skin this summer.

Extremely common“, it states Mary L. Stevensonassociate professor of the Department of Dermatology Ronald O. Perelman of the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. “Two different ranges of wavelengths of light cause different forms of skin damage.”

UVB rays can damage DNA and cause cancer cells. (Europa Press)

The ultraviolet A (UVA) rays cause a aging more premature skin, but the ultraviolet B (UVB) can cause “damage to the DNA that convert the normal cells in precancerous or cancerous cells,” Pisano explains. Since “damage can take years to manifest,” the sunburn suffered at age 20 could turn into skin cancer at age 50.

According to Shadi Kouroshassociate professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School, the environment It may also be attacking our skin.

“We know more and more about the role of others factorsas the visible lightthe infrared radiation (heat) and the pollutionwhich contribute to skin cancer,” says Kourosh. “… There is evidence that air pollutants due to the smog and the forest fires can corrode the skin barrier and cause DNA damage.”

In USA 9,500 cases of are diagnosed daily skin cancermaking it the most common cancer in the country, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

“He Basal cell carcinoma It is the most frequent, followed by squamous cell carcinoma and the melanoma”, explains Stevenson. According to the American Cancer SocietyMore than 8,000 people in the United States are expected to die from melanoma this year.

Regular check-ups with certified dermatologists are essential for early detection. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Cancers of squamous cells and basal They occur in the outermost layer of the skin, while melanoma originates in cells known as melanocyteswhich can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, making it the most deadly.

“The survival Five years after basal cell carcinoma, the rate is close to 100%,” he says. Stacy P. Salobassociate clinical professor of the Weill Cornell Medical College“However, if a basal cell carcinoma is left untreated, it can grow and ulcerate, which could be painful, become infected and destroy nerves, fascia or cartilage.”

Carcinoma of squamous cells It is also curable if detected early. Only 2% of cases metastasize, but that is when it becomes dangerous. The five-year survival rate is 40%.

“If detected early, the five-year survival rate for melanoma is over 99%. But if it reaches the lymph nodes, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation“Only 74% of patients survive, and if it metastasizes to another organ, the survival rate drops to 35%.”

“You can’t actually eliminate the risk of skin cancer,” he says Jeremy Brauerassociate clinical professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Health. “But you can reduce the risk by practicing safe behaviors. Solar protection.

Only 25% of sunscreens available on the market meet their safety and efficacy standards. (Shutterstock)

These include the proper application of sunscreen of broad spectrum UVA/UVBthe use of clothing (with ultraviolet protection factor)including hats and Sunglassesthe search for the shade and scheduling outdoor activities before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. whenever possible.”

“Employ more behaviors now Solar protection “It is super effective at reducing existing sun damage as well as preventing further sun damage,” Pisano said.

In a recent study, the Environmental Working Groupa nonprofit research and advocacy organization, said that only 25% of Sunscreens of the market met the safety and efficacy standards of the group. The organization also published a list of the best sunscreens, all of them with titanium dioxide and zinc oxidemaking them “mineral” sunscreens.

“In the United States we have relatively few ingredients that block the UVA rays. Europe and Asia have a number of excellent ingredients that are effective UVA blockers,” Salob said, although she added that many American sunscreens work well.

In the United States, the FDA regulates sunscreens such as medicines over-the-counter, a long process. The bemotrizinola broad-spectrum UV filter found in many European and Asian sunscreens, is one of the ingredients awaiting FDA approval for sale in the U.S. market.

It is recommended to use broad-spectrum sunscreens, clothing with UV protection factor, seek shade and avoid direct sun exposure during peak hours. (Shutterstock)

For people with a history of multiple skin cancers or precancerous lesions called actinic keratosis They may be prescribed creams topical (as fluorouraciloften combined with calcipotriene) that help treat and reduce precancerous cells or photodynamic therapy (PDT)explains Stevenson. TFD consists of a solution which is applied to the skin and then activated with light.

“Treatments create a strong response from the immune system DNA damage and reduce the risk of developing skin cancer from these damaged cells. Neither is a ‘one-size-fits-all’ treatment,” Pisano said.

“It probably needs to be done once a year or so. maintenance therapy“Fluorouracil is applied at home and PDT is an in-office treatment, so the patient can decide which one suits them best,” he explained.

Although these treatments are FDA-approved for precancerous spots (also called solar keratosis), Salob says they are also sometimes used to treat “superficial skin cancers“. He imiquimodanother topic, is approved by the FDA for basal cell carcinomas and solar keratoses. It stimulates the immune system to treat the area affected by skin cancer.”

A treatment with laser known as fractional rejuvenation (either Fraxel) can reduce the precancerous changes and reduce the risk of developing certain cancers.

Sunburn in your 20s can turn into skin cancer by age 50. (Freepik)

Treatments help, but they are not enough. “You can get skin cancer, even with these treatments. That is why it is important to have regular skin checks with a Certified Dermatologist“, says Pisano.

“Any type of grain, insect bite either red bump that does not disappear within a period of four to six weeks“and anything that itches, hurts, bleeds or grows in size should be shown to a dermatologist,” Pisano said.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the method A B C D E to detect possible melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Here are the things to consider:

– Asymmetry: One half of a skin spot does not match the other half.

– Edge: Its edge is not smooth, but serrated and irregular.

– Color: the color of the spot is irregular, with brown, black, gray, red or white tones.

– Diameter: A spot on the skin is larger than the tip of a pencil eraser (6 mm).

– In evolution: A spot is new or changing: Melanomas grow and change over time.

(c) 2024, The Washington Post