Smart watches have evolved a lot and allow us multiple functions, many of which help us control our activity and monitor our health. In some cases, even A smartwatch allows you to measure blood pressure (or tension).

A possibility that, according to Bloomberg, will finally reach the Apple Watch X or 10 when they are released to the market (presumably in September). And when that happens (if it finally happens) we are sure that Apple will present it as if it were a revolution.

It is true that It is not common in most smart watches, but there are some, As we will see below, both specialized and some of a general nature but that include this advanced function.

How important is it to be able to measure our blood pressure?

It is clear that smartwatches have become an essential device for many users, largely thanks to the included sensors that allow us to monitor our sleep and our activity, including heart rate and, the most advanced, blood oxygen.

Well, it seems that the possibility of measuring blood pressure It’s the next step to climb for these wearables, offering a very useful possibility for more than 1.28 billion adults ages 30 to 79 who suffer from hypertension in the world according to the WHO.

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A silent disease (many people are unaware that they suffer from it and, therefore, it is not treated) that is a whole public health problem and one of the main causes of premature death in the world.

Therefore, being able to keep track through a smartwatch is undoubtedly valuable, both for those who suffer from this ailment and for the restwho in this way can have a preventive tool in their hand (or rather on their wrist) for a crucial ailment.

How do smartwatches measure blood pressure?

Currently, there are three methods for which it is possible for a smart watch to measure our blood pressure.

The most common is through photoplethysmography (PPG), method that uses optical sensors that emit a green LED light on the wrist. This light reflects off the blood vessels and returns a certain amount of light to the sensor depending on the volume of blood flowing through the arteries.

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From changes in blood flow, an algorithm calculates blood pressure and displays it to us. This method is the one used by most smartwatches on the market and the one that the new Apple Watch will presumably use.

Another method is based on analyze pulse waveswhich are the vibrations that occur in the arteries every time the heart beats, to show us, using an algorithm, the blood pressure based on the speed and shape of the pulse wave.

Finally, the most reliable way is the one used by some specialized watches that include an inflatable bracelet in your bracelet similar to conventional wrist blood pressure monitors.

Are smartwatches that measure blood pressure reliable?

reliable blood pressure smartwatchreliable blood pressure smartwatch

The million dollar question can only have one answer: They are not as reliable as an arm blood pressure monitor. That is why some of the smartwatches that offer this possibility recommend performing a regular calibration of the device.

Aside from the reliability of the method used, blood pressure measurements with a smartwatch can be affected by many factors, such as body temperature, the position of the watch on the wrist, and the user’s movement.

In any case, as the doctor in the video below says, you have to take into account several considerations on the reliability of their measurements.

First of all, smartwatches They are not that precise like traditional blood pressure monitors and, therefore, They are not used to measure tension at a specific moment (for example if we feel unwell and we suspect that this may be the cause) but to do it over time.

Therefore, although they are not reliable, yes they would be recommended. And being able to have a device little invasive that measures our blood pressure Continuously It can be very useful to detect variations over time and in unusual situations (when we are sleeping).

On the other hand, it is useful to avoid the so-called “white coat hypertension,” which occurs when taken in a doctor’s office, hospital, or pharmacy, but not when a health care professional is not present.

watches with blood pressure monitorwatches with blood pressure monitor

What smartwatch measures your blood pressure?

If we do a search on Amazon with the terms ““watch that measures blood pressure” We will find many models but, as you can imagine, The results are not at all reliable, In some cases a real scam.

Not only are these watches lacking any type of scientific validation, but some directly invent blood pressure results from pulse data.

Not even models of Fitbit, Amazfit, Xiaomi or Asus, which are quality watchescan measure blood pressure so, although in some searches they appear as devices that offer this possibility, this it isn’t true.

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Therefore, although we would have loved to offer you a list of smart watches that measure blood pressure, the truth is that this is impossible today. Actually, as we said at the beginning, in the market There are only a few smartwatches that can measure blood pressure.

That’s why, They are either expensive or difficult to obtain. (especially because they are not sold in our country). And that is why the Apple Watch incorporating this possibility will be an important advance.

But speaking of specific models, first of all we would have a couple of models specialized in health such as the Omron Heartguide (above), manufactured by a specialist in health products and currently discontinued, and the Aktiia smart bracelet, which is not sold in Spain (nor does it have a screen, so it is not properly a watch).

The first is based on a bracelet that inflates, the method that we have described before as more reliable, and which is the same one used by the Huawei Watch D, a smartwatch that recently came on the market but It is not yet on sale in Spain.

However, We hope that you will do so soon. in the official store (as happens for example in Mexico) because it seems like a very interesting device to control our health.

how smartwatches measure blood pressurehow smartwatches measure blood pressure

Therefore, today and taking into account all the above, the only smart watch for sale in Spain that is endowed with the ability to make blood pressure measurements is the Samsung Galaxy Watch6 (available in the Orange store at the best price).

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A smart watch that is one of the most advanced on the market and that for some generations—and among many other features— incorporates blood pressure measurement through your hardware and the app blood pressure.

This is just one of the functions integrated into its advanced health monitoring system that allows you to perform a multitude of tasks: body composition analysis, electrocardiogram, improved sleep monitoring, blood oxygen, as well as fall detection and women’s health. .

As part of your health care program, the system recommends the user incorporate blood pressure measurement into their daily routine to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To do this, it uses its integrated sensors since the method used is photoplethysmography.

Therefore, it is recommended a watch calibration with a specialized monitor and blood pressure monitor every 4 weeks and is warned that the application It is not intended to replace traditional methods diagnosis or treatment.

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In any case, it is a smartwatch that allows you to measure blood pressure and help the user take care of their health thanks to the advantages mentioned above (and always keeping in mind that it should only be taken as support), making this common device be even more useful in our lives.

Images | Photos from Adobe Stock, Huawei, Samsung, gpointstudio, Freepik 1, 2, 3 and 4