The DKV Healthy Living Institute was created to give useful guidelines to people, allowing them to become co-responsible and active agents in caring for their health, promoting concepts such as prevention, the importance of exercise and the need to have healthy habits that promote a healthy life. fury.

In this way, the initiative arose to create a series of manifestos on the need for responsible consumption of certain products, together with the nutritionist Carlos Rioscreator of the realfooding movement, which is one that seeks to consume minimally processed foods, in whose industrial processing they have not lost their naturally present healthy properties.

The aim is to make society aware of the consequences of excessive food consumption such as sugar, salt and saturated fats, opting instead for foods such as vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, fish and seafood, tubers, 100% whole grain cereals, eggs, unprocessed meats, fresh milk , herbs, spices and seeds, coffee and infusions.

Control of fats, sugars and salt

It is very difficult to eliminate the three aforementioned foods from our diet, so it is essential to know which are the best options when consuming them, promoting healthy eating. The three foods also have positive effects on our body, so adequate knowledge about them is essential.

It’s advisable limit saturated fat intake to a figure less than 10% of the daily energy amount, avoiding negative fats in the diet (those from ultra-processed foods). Likewise, it is advisable to try to ensure that sugars come from a natural source (fruits, honey, etc.) and not in a processed form. Regarding salt, it is advisable to look for alternatives, such as the use of herbs, spices, citrus fruits, mustards, and vinegars, which add distinctive aromas and serve as substitutes.

DKV’s strategy to promote improved nutrition is focused on two aspects: public health and individual health. The company is committed to working on both spectrums, aiming to achieve the following advances.

Public health

The objective is to promote a improvement in healthy eating, increasing its visibility through various actions. These measures include the implementation of taxes on sugary drinks. Likewise, the aim is to establish food labeling that is clear and simple for consumers, so that relevant information, such as high sugar or saturated fat content, is presented on the front of the products. Packaging must also warn about the risks of habitual consumption of products with high doses of sugar.

In addition, the strategy contemplates the control of advertising of ultra-processed products aimed at minors. Priority is given to access to healthy foods, restricting vsale of ultra-processed products in public places such as health centers, schools and universities. Finally, DKV is committed to ensuring that schools dedicate time and resources to promoting healthy habits among their students.

Individual health

DKV seeks to promote the consumption of real foods, those minimally processed, thus reducing the intake of added sugars. Knowing your food well is essential, which is why aspects such as labeling are of capital importance. The process of cooking and personally preparing meals is encouraged, thus exercising a direct control about the foods we are going to consume. It is also key to reduce the purchase of ultra-processed products, since their consumption is favored by factors such as their low cost, convenience and attractive packaging, which can cause cravings.