This July 5, 2024, at 7:57 p.m. (Argentine time), the first new moon of winter. It occurs in the 14th degree of Cancerthe sign ruled by this luminary that symbolizes the mother and our emotional world.

Consulted by Clarionthe astrologer and author Mercedes Casini He explained the characteristics of this lunation, how it unfolds energy and what themes will it awaken in the twelve zodiac signs.

Casini, who is also the founder of Aprende Astrología, explained that Cancer is a sign that is energetically associated with “roots.” A sprout that, after having come to the surface (with Gemini), now needs to take root and go deeper into its interior.

New Moon in Cancer on July 5, 2024: Everything you need to know

A new Moon occurs every time it is located between the Earth and the Sun and its “visible face” from our perspective is dark, it does not reflect sunlight. Also called new moonastrology defines it as the monthly moment when the Moon aligns with the Sun at the same mathematical degree.

In general, astrological knowledge considers that Each new moon represents the beginning of a cyclethe opportunity to initiate processes, sow and set intentions for the next six months.

New Moon in Cancer July 2024 on an astrological level

“The sign of Cancer is associated with the Fourth House and the Moon, and in the zodiacal mandala at rest it is located below, at what would be the deepest point on Earth,” explained Casini.

From an astrological perspective, the Moon is not only the natural satellite of the Earth, it also represents that energy that drives us to enter our homes, to protect and shelter us from the worldSo Cancer energy symbolizes caring, shelter, intimate emotions and home.

Cancer is the sign that represents home, origins, the emotional world and our way of feeling protected. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

In this sense, the astrologer specifies: “People with a lot of Cancer in their birth chart are careful, sensitive peoplewith a mood that is changeable like the Moon, emotional, and they tend to be very careful with whom they open this intimate world.”

For this reason, Casini indicates that this beginning of the cycle in the lunar calendar in July presents a good time to review What intimate relationships do we want to have?how we want to take care of our emotional world, what kind of home we want to nurture and build, how we want to get along with our family, our origins, our ancestors and our past.

The specialist also specified which are the most notable planetary transits of this new Moon and how they frame the themes that we can work on. “The new Moon occurs with the Sun and the Moon in Cancer in conjunction to Venus and in square to the lunar nodes (mathematical points of the sky) which are in Aries and Libra,” he said.

In detail, he explained that the conjunction with Venus “involves the side of relationships and the value we give ourselves in it,” and being in square to the Aries-Libra axis “It brings us similar themes to those we question during the eclipse stage: how much we care for others, How much we take care of ourselveshow to learn to find a balance between giving in and imposing and how much we dare to seek relationships that consider both desires without trampling on individualities or neglecting the emotional worlds of the people involved.”

Cancer is associated with roots and home. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Venus in Cancer guides us under the premise: “I am from where my emotional world is taken care of.” That is why Casini proposed that we ask ourselves these questions: What relationship do I have with my home? What would I like to take care of in the next six months? What is my relationship with my family of origin? How much do I take care of myself? How much do I let myself be taken care of? What happens in my most intimate relationships? How is my emotional armor? What is my relationship with my emotions? Do I overprotect myself from feeling?

New Moon in Cancer on July 5, 2024: How it affects each sign

Lunations impact each person in different ways. The astrologer indicated that it is necessary find our rising sign; this is the one that marks the astrological houses of your birth chart and is calculated with the exact time of our birth.

For greater accuracy, look up the house in which it falls at 14 degrees of Cancer and you will have information about the area of ​​your life in which there could be changes this New Moon.

Casini then detailed sign by sign how these energies will unfold.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Aries

The New Moon is in your roots, family and home zone. It’s time to review How are you connecting with your family? of origin and your past to see how you would like to live and in what way, perhaps you can review what changes you would like to make within your home, your intimate core and your emotional world. This New Moon invites you to look inside. What is the best way to inhabit yourself?

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Taurus

The Moon falls on your communication zone, learning and bonding with peers like siblings, neighbors, or cousins. You may be looking forward to sharing more hugs with friends, seeing relatives, or staying in close contact. These are times to set intentions: what would you like to nourish emotionally in the next six months. Would you like to talk to someone about your emotional world or perhaps write?

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Gemini

This New Moon occurs in your area of matter, resources, the body and the management of money or your work tools. It is time to review what you need, how you can manage what you already have and to look at all your tools so that in six months you can find ways to connect with the tangible things in your life. What do you need to nourish?

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Cancer

The New Moon falls in your sign, therefore it is an opportunity to review your way of being and your way of connecting with yourself and your desires. Everything you can achieve and do in the world comes from this connection and this listening, which is the most important thing. What do you want? How much do you listen to yourself? Do you make time for yourself? In six months from now, you can make those spaces bigger.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Leo

This New Moon falls in your zone of cycle closuresdreams and the spiritual worlds. How do you connect with your ancestors and the energies that surround you even if they are invisible? How much time do you give yourself to meditate or listen to your intuition? Can you recognize the inner power in you? It is a good time to close pending issues from the past and find a new perspective, not from a rational place but from an emotional place.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Virgo

This New Moon occurs in the area where you can help society and the world with your emotional or intuitive world. These may be times when you seek group containment or wherever you feel most sociable to be with people and connect with meditation. What would you like to do in a group? How can you contribute your powers to the common good? What friends do you want to connect with? Between now and January, some of this will move forward.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Libra

This new moon proposes beginnings in your work, profession and ways to relate to you vocational constructionWe suggest you visualize what you would like to have achieved in six months in that area of ​​your life, in which you achieve your dream, regardless of whether it involves money or the current traditional system. In this New Moon, what matters is the emotional aspect. If you did not depend on money, what would you like to cultivate? Between now and January, you can begin to build that path.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Scorpio

It’s time to open your mind to travel (physical or symbolic) in which your beliefs are renewed. Maybe something has been limiting you in the way you see yourself and the world. It is time to look to the future with optimism and to dream bigger than you ever dreamed. It may also be that trips or new ways of connecting with other countries are coming up. What beliefs would you like to nurture? Between now and January, you can begin to build that new vision.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Sagittarius

It’s time to dive into your depths to recognize patterns that you repeat and want to leave behind. Fears or traumas from the past can come to light for you to see and say goodbye to. It is time to delve into your sexuality, your patterns and your deep behaviors. If you were not afraid, what would you like to do? What you imagine or feel as a response from now to 6 months can begin to unfold.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Capricorn

The new moon falls opposite, in Your partner and associates zoneIt’s time to renew your peer relationships. If you listened to your emotional world, how would you like to be in a relationship? Who would you like to associate with? Maybe it’s time to break past patterns and renew that vision, trusting what your intuition and emotions say. It’s time to open up your listening. Between now and January, you’ll see progress.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Aquarius

The new moon occurs in your area of ​​habits, routines and nutrition. You may need to revolutionize old ways of organizing yourself to make way for new ways. Don’t forget that nutrition is not just food but everything that enters through your senses. How would you like to relate to your body and your health? In January you will be reviewing your achievements in this area.

How the New Moon in Cancer of July 2024 affects Pisces

This lunation occurs in your project areathe children (if you have them) and the ways to connect with your creative self. These are times to imagine different ways to build your connection with yourself, your way of show yourself to the world without shyness and with more confidence. From there, what you create and care for will change. How would you like to feel? What do you envision for your projects? In January, you will review all the progress you have made.

Advised by Mercedes Casini, astrologer, author and founder of Learn Astrology. On Instagram @aprendeastrologia.