The obsession with fit with the canons that marks society skyrockets with the arrival of summer. Social networks and advertisements multiply the social pressure that is exerted especially on young women, who are “forced” to show off a normative body.

Gaining or losing fat seems very easy in theory: maintain a caloric surplus – consuming more calories than you expend – or a caloric deficit – consuming less than you burn. But although in the eyes of others the only solution is willpower, the reality for the vast majority is not that simple. The problem is located in the hormones and neuroregulatorswho are in charge of giving some signs of satiety and hunger that do not always correspond to what is correct. It’s not a question of not being tenacious enough.

Almost all hunger regulators are found in the hypothalamus. “It is the region where a complex network of neural pathways that regulate hunger and satiety“explain the researchers of the study ‘Neuroendocrine regulation of hunger, satiety and maintenance of energy balance’ “When the ventromedial and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei are damaged, hyperphagia and obesity and damage to the lateral hypothalamus produces severe anorexia and body weight loss”, they add.

Hunger hormones

The two key elements to understand this process are the leptin and ghrelin, integrated in the hypothalamus and known as “hunger hormones”. Ghrelin is responsible for promote the feeling of appetite and leptin has the opposite function, make us feel that we are already satiated. Furthermore, they are closely related to the energy we have to do sports or any other activity.

Naps two hormones work well, The process of gaining or losing fat will be easier. The problem is that obese people, or extremely thin people, have their bodies not function properly. The leptin resistance makes the organism never send the signal to stop eating, as if we were never completely satiated. Sleep well It will also be essential for the functioning of both, since little rest causes a higher level of ghrelin and a decrease in leptin.

It is also very important insulin, a peptide hormone. “It has a role ffundamental in the regulation of metabolism. Like leptin, circulating insulin levels are directly related to the amount of adipose tissue,” the researchers say. “Insulin helps the formation of fatty tissue and increases leptin production: It has anorectic effect. Likewise, stimulates the activity of satiety signals with catabolic effects,” they write in the study.

hunger peptides

He GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide) and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) are gaining a lot of attention in recent months. These two hormones also have a lot to do with appetite. They take care of release insulin and move blood glucose, what refers to control sugar level after meals. A low level of insulin can cause diabetes, and too high a level can lead to hypoglycemia. The correct activation of both enhances insulin secretion, decreases energy consumption, and improves insulin sensitivity.


In addition to hormones, special attention should be paid to neurotransmitters. Related to emotions, They also have a very important role in eating behavior. Therefore, when someone is going through a stage of stress they have a much greater appetite than usual.

The dopamine It is one of the ‘well-being hormones’, and is related to the desire. Eat chocolate or playing sports causes the body to release dopamine. Regulates attention, sleep and increases heart rate. This neurotransmitter makes the brain feel a reward, but it has more to do with the desire for pleasure than with pleasure itself. The problem is that, in the same way that a person with a healthy fat index needs an ounce of chocolate To satisfy their brain, an obese person will need three times as much.

Also essential are endorphinswhich reduce stress and they improve the mood. They have the function of regulating emotional balance. Known as a natural pain reliever, it is released after enjoying dinner with friends, going to a concert or playing sports. The serotonin is another element worth highlighting: it regulates the activity of other neurotransmitters and is related to activating the appetite and sleep. It gives the body a feeling of satisfaction after eating. Not having a correct level of serotonin It causes a feeling of sadness and sleep.