40% of adolescents Spanish people between 14 and 18 years old has smoked hookah (also called hooka, shisha, water pipe or narghile) in the last month. What’s more, 9.5% of 12 and 13 year old students acknowledge having used water pipes at some point in their lives (7% in the last year). They are data from National Drug Plan that rescues this Thursday the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC) to warn of the risk of suffering from head and neck cancer due to hookah consumption. In addition, it is urgent to legislate on this habit, which is increasing among young people, on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day.

Ana Sanchez Prietopresident of the society’s smoking prevention committee, speaks of a rapid popularization of hookah consumption, especially among the young population, caused by the perception that they pose less damage to health than conventional tobacco. “This increase in popularity is driven by the availability of flavors, their appearance on the internet and social networks and the lack of regulation in this regard. Its acceptance has increased among young people due to the wrong idea of absence of harmfulness and the belief that it has less addictive power,” adds the doctor.

The toxicity

However, the smoke inhaled during an hour-long pipe session It is about 200 times the volume from a single cigarette. In a single session we can achieve 2-10 times the amount of nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar than with a cigarette. The amount of heavy metals is also exceededpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and semi-volatile furans compared to cigarettes, warns a study published in Tobacco induced diseases.

“In pipes, the tobacco is heated by a charcoal. When the user inhales from the mouthpiece, the resulting smoke bubbles through the water. This leads many users to believe that the water filters out the toxic agents in the tobacco. This combination with the water turns out in a damper smoke and soft that is less irritating initially compared with a conventional cigarette. This, added to the fact that the inhalation resistance in the hookah is lower, encourages a deeper and longer inhalation when smoking with shisha. In addition, it helps the sessions to be longer given that humidity decreases irritation starts“adds this specialist.

Head and neck cancer

The studies are consistent about genotoxicity produced by smoking hookahs, some even suggest that it is more powerful than smoking conventional cigarettes, doctors point out. Affectation of the oral cavity and lung function has been demonstrated. These effects are also visible with conventional tobacco consumption, since contains many common toxinssome of them in greater quantities, such as CO, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and semivolatile furans, they add.

In the oral cavity, cellular alterations have been described that indicate premalignant and malignant lesions in the tongue, oropharynx and floor of the mouth.

“In the oral cavity, cellular alterations have been described that indicate premalignant and malignant lesions in the tongue, oropharynx and floor of the mouth,” comments Dr. Jon Alexander Sistiaga, president of the Oncology and Cancer Commission. Head and neck surgery.

Lack of regulation

Furthermore, the SEORL-CCC highlights that, in the absence of specific legislation, the consumption of smoking in hookahs in Spain and its risk is governed by the current tobacco regulation law of 2010. Their use in closed premises is prohibited. as long as they are loaded with tobacco products, it is specified. “Although if the hookah does not contain tobaccothe lack of regulation opens up consumer options,” specialists abound.

Can be used with herbs or tobacco flavored that contains the same substances as tobacco, including a greater amount of CO. This causes a decrease in the uptake of O2, which causes respiratory and heart diseases,” says Dr. Sánchez Prieto. They allude to the request of the World Health Organization, which has requested that measures be toughened to open establishments where smoking is carried out. in water pipe as well as increase taxes; boost protection against smoke exposure and include health warnings as the tobacco packs.

Tobacco finishes off this medical society, it causes 85% of laryngeal tumors, this society remembers. One in five cases of cancer in Europe is attributable to this toxic substance, warns a study published in European Journal of Cancer. Of all of them, half affect the lung and 15% are located in the head and neck area, mainly affecting all to the lip, oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.