The territorial delegate for Health and Consumption in Seville, Regina Serrano, has inaugurated a provincial conference in Seville to address the Comprehensive Oral Health Plan of Andalusia 2023-2027 in which a large group of professionals participated, including dentists from the public health system of the province and managers of the Andalusian Health Service.

The event, which was held at the headquarters of the Sanitary District of Seville, also had the presence of the president of the Official College of Dentists of Seville, Rafael Flores; the coordinator of the Plan, Alfonso García; and the Director of Health of the Seville Health District, Gloria Mestre, who accompanied Serrano at the inauguration, as well as the president of the Official College of Physicians of Seville, Alfonso Carmona, also present at the event.

Serrano, who took advantage of his intervention to thank the attendees for their presence and their commitment to the oral health of Sevillians, recalled that the Plan’s general purpose is to “reduce the morbidity of oral diseases among the Andalusian population and an improvement in the quality of life of people affected by these pathologies”.

The conference was held around four round tables that are, in turn, the four strategic axes covered by the Plan: the functional organization of health services, the management of the care process for specific groups, training and research, and Finally, information systems.

Prior to the meeting, the Plan’s coordinator, Alfonso García, outlined the plan’s objectives, including improving oral health services in Primary Care through reorganisation; optimising care in Hospital Dentistry; encouraging health promotion in dental services; increasing recruitment into dental care; guaranteeing healthcare to specific groups, based on equity and homogeneity in dental services; improving the training of professionals, adapted to advances in promotion, prevention, early diagnosis and oral interventions, and with a gender perspective; promoting research in the areas of oral health and Dentistry; and improving the quality of oral health information systems.


This is a plan that also plans to update and improve the equipment of dental offices in Andalusia with the aim of improving the quality of dental care and incorporating advanced technologies in both Primary Care and Hospital Care, thus benefiting both professionals. , providing greater efficiency and precision, as well as to the users themselves, providing more comfort, security and personalization in treatments.

The Plan contemplates the creation of new cabinets with the purpose of bringing oral health services closer to citizens. In this way, 17 new offices will be opened in Andalusia under the premise that all citizens have a public dental consultation less than 30 minutes away from their basic health area. Regarding hospital dentistry, the network of dentists in Andalusia will be strengthened, providing all provinces with this resource. This will mean a significant improvement in hospital care.

On the other hand, an effort has been made in training to have a network of references available to users, which will result in an increase in the quality of the care provided. For this reason, in collaboration with Iavante, the ‘Referentes’ programme has been launched, a specialised training through university diplomas from the Faculties of Dentistry in Granada and Seville for professionals in the areas of knowledge of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Paediatric Dentistry and Endodontics.

Prevention and promotion of oral health This plan also aims to update and improve the equipment of dental offices in Andalusia with the aim of improving the quality of dental care and incorporating advanced technologies in both Primary Care and Hospital Care, thus benefiting both professionals, providing greater efficiency and precision, and users themselves, providing greater comfort, safety and personalization in treatments.

The Plan includes the creation of new dental offices with the aim of bringing dental health services closer to citizens. In this way, 17 new offices will be opened in Andalusia under the premise that all citizens have a public dental office less than 30 minutes away from their primary health area. As for hospital dentistry, the network of dentists in Andalusia will be strengthened, providing all provinces with this resource. This will mean a significant improvement in hospital care.

On the other hand, an effort has been made for training to have a network of references available to users that will result in increasing the quality of the assistance provided. For this reason, in collaboration with Iavante, the ‘Referents’ program has been launched, specialized training through university diplomas from the Dentistry faculties of Granada and Seville for professionals in the areas of knowledge of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry and Endodontics. This Program aims for specialized dentists to improve the care of the population in Primary Care, in addition to the degrees in Hospital Dentistry and Endodontics that are the responsibility of Hospital Care dentists.

The measures included in the Plan include oral health examinations for seniors aged 65 and over in nursing homes, as well as for cancer patients, pregnant women and people with disabilities. This network will improve coverage and accessibility for the population to specific treatments; reduce referrals to secondary care and increase the effectiveness of Primary Care; and increase user satisfaction with Oral Health services, while improving the image of the dentist as an important professional for the health system.

This program aims for specialized dentists to improve the care of the population in Primary Care, in addition to the degrees in Hospital Dentistry and Endodontics that are the responsibility of Hospital Care dentists.

The measures included in the Plan include oral health examinations for seniors aged 65 and over in nursing homes, as well as for cancer patients, pregnant women and people with disabilities. This network will improve coverage and accessibility for the population to specific treatments; reduce referrals to secondary care and increase the effectiveness of Primary Care; and increase user satisfaction with Oral Health services, while improving the image of the dentist as an important professional for the health system.