Fernando Domínguez, Minister of Health of Navarra, in the plenary session this Friday.NEWS DIARY


The Health Minister of Navarra, Fernando Domínguez, announced during the Plenary monographic Health of the Parliament that the Foral Community will close the month of May with a notable improvement in the waiting list being the best data recorded since September.


“Unless the system has been broken in the last few hours, the figures are going to be the best since September because All the measures presented are in place and the system is almost 100%“, announced the counselor who, although he has acknowledged that he could not fulfill his commitment to reduce the waiting list by 1,000 people per month, has assured that the new figures show that this is possible.

Regarding the criticism of non-compliance with the Guarantees Law, he stated that “perhaps what needs to be proposed is to update this law and make it really useful for patients because things have nothing to do with 2008”, the year of its approval.

Domínguez has assumed that in Primary Care “There are some centers with major access problems”but has considered it “unfair for the majority of the staff and the efforts of management and the three area directorates” for this situation to become generalized since it also There are centers that work very well and “in all cases, if you come with an emergency, you are attended to immediately.”

The current approach to Primary Care is 40 years old and, as he has stated, requires “a change in organizational direction” in line with what is being worked on. In this sense, she has criticized the spokespersons for constantly asking for structural changes and criticizing when these are carried out, defending that “the reorganization of professionals is necessary.”

Regarding the hospital network, he stated that “a step forward must be taken with the creation of unique areas of some specialties”, particularly those with the greatest lack of professionals.

“Catastrophic messages and half-truths”

The counselor has shown visibly upset with the criticism from the opposition that always resorts to “the same catastrophic messages without concrete proposals or proposals as if we had 5,000 million in budget and 17,000 workers on staff” using “mantras” and “half-truths.”

“Navarrean healthcare, although some may regret it, is exceptional”has proclaimed, clarifying that this is not because of him or the senior officials of the department but “for each of the professionals who work on a daily basis and the solidity in the management of the organization that has been built over the years. “under governments of different colors.

Regarding the budget, he considered that “The most absurd criticism that could be made is to say that they are the highest in history“since “you don’t spend on health, you invest and that costs money and more every year.” He also assured that they are not the Spanish community that spends the most on health and has urged Do not confuse the budget with the actual expenditurea matter in which they have been in third place for years.

Health “is much more than care,” he recalled, claiming the work done by the Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarra, the Miguel Servet Foundation or the General Directorate of Health, entities that “have very important challenges on the table that as they generate less noise that healthcare providers have forgotten to mention or have not wanted to do so.

In this sense, the drafting of the new Regional Health Law, or the launch of the public health transport company, the drafting of a new Health Plan, fair and responsible regulation of pharmaceutical products, the expansion of some cancer screenings, the signing of new agreements with concerted centers or the development of environmental health projects.

Approved 10 of the 16 proposed resolutions

The parliamentary groups have presented sixteen proposed resolutions at the Health monographic plenary session held this Friday in the Parliament of Navarra, of which ten have been approved.


  • It urges to study the geographical distribution of the population and the demand for medical services, to rearrange and reorganize quotas and continued care with criteria of population and geographical dispersion, and to work on the debureaucratization of Primary Care. Rejected
  • Urges the reinforcement of personnel and retention of talent, the strengthening of PC teams and promoting progress in organizational change towards a new healthcare model within the framework of clinical management. Rejected


  • Urges to guarantee, for non-urgent care, a maximum waiting time in Primary Care of 48 hours.
  • Urges to comply with the maximum waiting periods established in Foral Law 14/2008, of July 2.
  • Urges compliance with Foral Order 132/2014 reorganizing the Breast Cancer Prevention Program in Navarra. Rejected


  • Urge to make all the necessary resources available to the public company BIDEANSL, which guarantee the realization and implementation of the health transportation service of the Public Health System of Navarra, in the first half of 2025.


  • Urges to promote innovation through the acquisition of new equipment and techniques through the Innovative Public Procurement (IPP) processes and developments based on Artificial Intelligence, whether own or from private sector companies.
  • Urges to increase accessibility to health care through telemedicine in its multiple applications thanks to the development of new technologies and the training of health and non-health professionals involved in its application and process.


  • Urges to deepen the development of a Shock Plan aimed at reducing waiting lists in specialized care and strengthening the resolution capacity of Primary Care.
  • It urges the presentation within one year of the Master and Planning Plans that allow for the planning of health policies, infrastructure and equipment, and human resources management.
  • Urges to refound Primary Care and make it the axis or cornerstone of the public health system.


  • It urges updating the Strategic Mental Health Plan of Navarra and promoting a therapeutic dining room for patients with eating disorders (ED), complementary to other therapies or treatments, which offers an intermediate approach between hospital admission and outpatient treatment.


  • Urges the creation of an interdepartmental commission for the analysis and diagnosis of social factors that affect health.


  • Urges to take the necessary measures to enhance knowledge of the figure of the Health Interlocutor of the Foral Police and the aggression alarm system through the use of the desktop computer that already began in 2019. Rejected
  • Urges to promote campaigns to make citizens aware of the importance of occupational therapy and the means that, in this matter, are made available to citizens. Rejected
  • In this case, it urges the Ministry of Health to adopt as soon as possible the technical and regulatory measures necessary to implement a system that guarantees the full validity throughout the national territory of the individual health card and the effective interoperability of medical records. . Rejected.