The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has launched a powerful criticism against the policy of the PSOE and Sumar Government which, in his opinion, is based more “on manipulating than on helping people” in his speech at the 39th edition of the Cercle d’Economia Meeting in Barcelona before an audience of businessmen and managers. He has also stated that he does not know if Salvador Illa, the one who won the Catalan elections, will be president or not, and that Catalonia lacks the political class “it deserves.” As for the autonomous financing system has admitted that it suffers from financial insufficiency but has claimed that it is first necessary a pact in the national health system which, in his opinion, is the main problem for the communities.

When asked about the extreme right and its possible alliance at European level, he explained that the popular strategy is not to maintain it if there are no changes with respect to how they have acted until now. In any case, she has differentiated the Italian president Giorgia Meloni from other representatives of this political trend. “In Italy I would be very attentive to Meloni’s approach. It does not seem comparable to other parties that are considered extreme right,” she stated.

Following the speech with which he criticized Pedro Sánchez in Congress on Wednesday, he assured that Spain lives “in a selfish, radical policy with a quarrelsome tone.” In his opinion, the features of this policy, from which the autonomies are excluded, are that “does not revolve around objective needs“and around “an absolute dependence on the Momentary whims and messianic decisions“.

After a presentation in which the president of Cercle, Jaume Guardiolain which he has insisted on the need to avoid political polarization which, in his opinion, has worsened, Feijóo has defended the “useful policy” and, jokingly, he has longed for the time when “politics was boring.” As a critic of the Sánchez Government, the question has been asked: “I don’t know if it seems normal to you that foreign policy is done with your back to the Cortes and that foreign policy is based on insults and that judges and judges are pointed out from the tribune of Congress. journalists (…)”, he stated.

The leader of the PP has been forceful in stating that in 30 years in politics “I have never seen a situation like the current one.”“. He has defined the current one as “adventurous politics” and has denounced that with the coalition Executive “normality is abnormality”.

All of this requires a response that combines institutional work or the resource of justice, among other variables. Catalonia was a precursor of this, but now, he added, “all of Spain is subject to those forces that have great incentives for this adventurous policy that consists of replacing management with tension, dividing society and inventing ghosts that do not exist.” .

Feijóo recalled that the Government lacks budgets for this year and has not even presented the accounts. Years ago, faced with these events, either the Government was changed or a motion of confidence was presented, he said. After remembering that in 48 hours, the Executive has been left alone in Congress and only has a guaranteed majority for one bill, that of amnesty.

In the economic section he has rejected Sánchez’s claims that the economy is going like a rocket. With a historic tax payment, a runaway debt that will take three generations to pay; and with the largest contribution of European funds in all of democratic history, “I don’t think that families or companies are getting excited because we are not generating wealth and real income is at 2019 levels,” he declared.

Before the popular leader, Jaume Guardiolahas highlighted that the catalan elections they assumed a profound change but fragmented without a clear government majority, which, in any case, should avoid an electoral repetition. He has highlighted that after leaving the tensions of 2017 behind, a new political stage begins. “”The PP is a fundamental piece to consolidate this new political stage,” he stated.

Guardiola has asked the PP for proposals for the fit of Catalonia. He recalled that Cercle calls for reforming the regional financing system. The president of Cercle has opted for the participation of Catalonia for “a better Spain.” Confrontation, he added, “only leads us to the abyss.”

At the same time, he recalled the recent opinion note from Cercle on the loss of productivity in the Spanish economy. He has considered that improving this variable should be the main challenge for the country, not just for politics. He has insisted on avoiding the polarization that makes the extremes win and has stated that it persists and has even become more accentuated and that the party that opts for centrality will be rewarded by the citizens.

The conference, which began on Wednesday under the motto ‘The world on trial’, ends this Friday with the intervention of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.