You don’t have to reach the age of 60 to start feeling back pain. Low back pain is one of the most common conditions, possibly as a consequence of walking on two legs, so that 80% of the population will suffer from it at some point in their lives. According to El Sevier, the world’s leading scientific publisher, disability associated with low back pain has become a serious problem in the last 30 years. which even generates various psychological disorders that can contribute to the chronification of low back pain.

El Sevier experts assure that we could speak of an epidemic of disability due to low back pain “partly attributable to its medicalization, to the use of unnecessary diagnostic and therapeutic resources that make the disease chronic and modify its natural evolution.”

As stated by the Fitness Professionals Area of ​​Club Metropolitan, The best way to prevent it is to practice regular exercise that strengthens all the lumbar muscles.. And why is it so important? Because this area of ​​the body includes the central axis of the skeletal system and protects the bone marrow, that is, the trunk of the nervous system. Therefore, its health and proper functioning will greatly determine the quality of life.

Studies carried out mainly in the English-speaking world, ensure that, in the vast majority of cases, 80% of the causes of low back pain cannot be attributed to any specific injury, and become chronic in 5-10% of cases. This evolves into chronic disability and consumes up to 75% of the total resources dedicated to lumbar pathology.

And why do we talk about these studies first? Because despite being one of the most widespread ailments, in Spain it is not sufficiently studied. We can refer to the EPISER study, carried out by the Spanish Society of Rheumatologywhich investigated the impact of musculoskeletal diseases in the Spanish adult population, from the point of view of both their frequency and their interference with the activities and quality of life of the affected subjects.

This study surveyed a sample of 2,192 individuals, concluding that, in a period of 6 months, The probability of suffering at least one episode of low back pain in Spain is 44.8%with women and people between 60 and 69 years old being the most affected.

To avoid this problem, the fitness experts at Club Metropolitan advise introducing into your sports routine specific exercises to exercise the back areaone of the great forgotten ones.

To achieve good back health, it must meet two requirements: it must be resistant to loading, that is, it must be strong, and it must have ample mobility. Working and toning this area of ​​the body has a preventive effectcan help avoid injuries associated with deterioration of the muscles and also postural pain or excessive loads that this area cannot bear.

The fitness experts at Club Metropolitan have selected five exercises focused on strengthening the back that can be incorporated into any sports routine:

Chest pull, activation of the latissimus dorsi

This back exercise could be similar to pull-ups in terms of results because both are focused on working the latissimus dorsi, but unlike them, It is a more accessible exercise regardless of your physical condition.. This is because it is done sitting in front of a pulley and you only have to bring the bar towards your chest without having to reach it.

To do it correctly you must grab the pull-up bar with both hands relatively close together. The arms should be extended and the spine slightly upright, while sitting with the knees secured by the machine’s own pads. Next, we will slide the bar bringing it up to the chest while lowering our elbows.

Pull-ups, the self-loading exercise par excellence

Pull-ups are another of the most popular back exercises, but tYou have to have great upper body strength to do them without problem. A good time to do them is after warming up, when the muscles are active, but not tired, and you can reduce the intensity if you are not yet used to it thanks to the help of the elastic bands.

For this exercise, a place is required where we can hang and allow us to pull with our hands, from the scapulae, with the aim of bringing the chest to the level of the grip point.

You must hang with both hands from an elevated bar, leaving the rest of your body suspended, and flex your arms, raising your body and bringing your chest to the level of the grip point.

Rowing with a low pulley, providing rigidity and stability to our spine

If there is one weight-bearing exercise that is the king of back training, it is rowing, in addition to being one of the most complete back exercises. There are different variants that exercise different muscle areas of the back, but The most complete is the barbell row, since it activates and stimulates the trapezius, lumbar, dorsal and arms.

To execute it, with a closed grip, chest up and elbows slightly separated from the trunk, you must pull it towards the hips. Other types that you can also try are the mechanical pulley row, which exercises the muscles of the entire back; or standing rowing, although in the latter case the load may be excessive for the lumbar area.

Deadlift, working on pulling movements

To do this exercise, you must stand in front of a bar with your legs slightly apart, beyond the width of your shoulders, and simultaneously flex your hips, knees and ankles until you can hold the bar with both hands.

Can replace the bar with the resistance of a rubber band that you step on with your feet, a kettlebell or a dumbbell grabbing it by one of the ends. Keeping your back in a neutral position, contract your abdomen and activate the stabilizing muscles of your scapulae and lats.

Press from your feet and pull from your hands simultaneously to lift your weight off the ground, avoiding bending your arms, which should be with your elbows pointing outward at all times.

Front plank with arm exercise, resistance with your own weight

To perform it correctly, you must place yourself in a front plank position with your elbows supported and alternately stretch your arms to rest on the palms of your hands and return to the original position, supporting first one forearm and then the other.

This is an exercise that mainly strengthens arms and core.achieving a strengthening of the abdominal girdle that contributes to correct lumbar health.

Of course, to facilitate correct posture it is important to ensure that your gaze is directed towards a point that allows you to keep your head in a neutral position and in line with the body to avoid neck pain.