The Minister of Health of the Balearic Islands, Manuela García.

The Balearic Government celebrates one year since taking office and also the Minister of Health, Manuela García, who foresees the main “legislative projects” for the remaining three years of his mandate, having behind him an intense journey of decisions and initiatives in the health field. The most recent, the career recovery or the Pacte per la Salutwhich give way to the two projects that the councillor is “most excited about”: The digital transformation of healthcare and the Balearic Public Health Agency.

This was stated this Thursday in a new installment of ‘Café de Redacción’, an event organized by this newspaper with the Gilead and Sapio Life collaborationwhere the highest political authority of Balearic health, Manuela Garciahas been the protagonist. García has emphasized that, when he took office, he realized that “Balearic Islands were bad” in the matter of digital transformationespecially in Public Health. For this reason, the Ministry of Health has promoted a Health Service innovation and transformation plan.

After these three years of legislature, the Minister of Health is confident that “stories are interconnectable” and they can “working with Artificial Intelligence”. As an example, García explained that the Son Llàtzer Hospital has been the first in Europe to use AI in real time to predict sepsis 48 hours in advance. On the other hand, the second project he highlighted is that of the Balearic Public Health Agencythe tool for the Balearic Islands to have “a ability to relate data quickly“and focus management on the ‘One Health’ concept and strategy.

Manuela García, Minister of Health of the Balearic Islands.

Information systems, the basis of projects

Once the interview was over, the Minister of Health was open to answering questions from the personalities who attended the event. García has announced that her intention is to to establish the Balearic Public Health Agency “in good condition”. “We need agile information systems that do not currently exist in the Balearic Islands.“, he said in response to the question asked by Victoria AyalaDirector of Institutional Relations at Gilead, one of the sponsors of this event.

Along these lines, the Minister of Health has advocated for expanding the Public Health’s focus on professionals other than healthcare professionalssuch as veterinarians, biologists, computer scientists or communicators, working hand in hand to propose solutions to issues that could be improved, such as flu and covid vaccinations during the last year.

Garcia has again emphasized the digital transformationwith a Clear commitment to telemedicineas well as by the “self-management of agendas”, in reference to the question raised by Francisco Javier Godoy, advisor to Sapio Life, also a contributor to this informative breakfast. “If the doctor or nurse has a close relationship and knowledge, it is something that is really easy,” said the councilor, while match with the demands of the new generations, of immediacy and less face-to-face contact. “Telemedicine is a very important weapon to promote”he pointed out.

José María Pino, president and editor of Medical Editorial and Manuela García.

Projects for a “benchmark” Balearic health system

In reference to the work done by Garcia, the President and editor of Medical Newsroom, José María Pinohas highlighted career recoverythe plan to increase the number of professionals, another for infrastructure and a Mental health project to provide psychologists to schools. Finally, she congratulated the councillor and her team for their work, as well as the receptiveness shown by García during her career in medical institutions.

The president-editor of Redacción Médica has predicted a “intense” stage at the head of the Ministrywhile qualifying the Balearic health care is “leading and cutting edge”as demonstrated by numerous examples of projects and actions implemented in this community.” Pino has emphasized the importance of these informative breakfasts with the top health officials of the autonomous communities for “Share cutting-edge projects, initiatives or aspects that they develop in their respective health systems.”

In addition, Pino thanked those present, including the managing director of the Health Service of the Balearic Islands, Javier Ureñaand the Director General of Health Research, Training and Accreditation, Vicenç Juan.

José María Pino, president and editor of Medical Editorial.

Francesco Borlenghi, Commercial Director of Sapio Life; José María Pino; Manuela García, Monstserrat Medina, Regional Director of Market Access at Gilead and Fabrizio Salvucci, Director of International Sales and Marketing at Sapio Life.

Montserrat Medina, Manuela García, and Victoria Ayala, Director of Institutional Relations at Gilead.

José María Pino, Manuela García and Ricardo De Lorenzo, president of the De Lorenzo Law Firm.

Marina Varela, general secretary of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (Sedar) and Manuela García.

Sonia Morales, Communications Director of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG); Oscar Lopez, Director of Medical News and Sara Quintanilla, Managing Director of SEMG.

José María Pino; Francisco Javier Godoy, advisor to Sapio Life; Manuela García and Luis Mosquera, general manager of the Carburos Médica division in Southern Europe and the Maghreb.

Toni Bennàsar, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of the Balearic Islands; Javier Ureña, Director General of the Balearic Islands Health Service (IbSalut); Vicenç Juan Verger, Director General of Health Research, Training and Accreditation of the Department of Health and Miguel Lázaro, President of the State Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM).

Pablo Martín, president of the Spanish Federation of Orthotists and Prosthetists (Fedop), greets Manuela García.

Vicenç Juan Verger and Javier Ureña.

Luis Mosquera, Luca Primavera, Communications Director of Sapio Life, and Francisco Javier Godoy.

Sheila Justo, vice president of the Association of Doctors and Higher Graduates of Madrid (Amyts); and Angela Hernandez, general secretary of this union.

Toni Bennàsar and Joan Baptista Soriano, researcher at La Princesa University Hospital.

Angela Hernandez and Jose Luis Cobos, third vice president of the General Nursing Council (CGE).

Sheila Justo; Isabel Lorenzo, treasurer of the General Council of Official Colleges of Biologists (Cgcob) and Angela Hernandez.

Elena González, Head of Audio Content at Redacción Médica.

A moment from the ‘Redacción Café’ with Manuela García, Minister of Health of the Balearic Islands.

The information published in Redacción Médica contains statements, data and declarations from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any questions regarding your health, consult your corresponding health specialist.