
World Diabetes Day began to be celebrated in 1991 through the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization with the aim of raising awareness about the threat that diabetes represents to the health and well-being of the community. The United Nations General Assembly recognized the burden of diabetes by passing a resolution in December 2006 designating World Diabetes Day as United Nations Day (A/RES/61/225). It is celebrated every November 14. The international symbol of this campaign is the blue circle to symbolize the unity of the community on such a relevant issue. That is why it has been coordinated, from the General Directorate of Public Health, with the General Directorate of Assistance Programs, the General Directorate of Patient and Chronicity, through the Canary Islands Patient School and the Federation of Diabetes Associations of the Canary Islands, the development of this campaign.

  • [10/11/2023].

2023 campaign

DM Diabetes 2023 Banner

The motto of this year’s campaign is: “Diabetes. Know your risk, know your response”.

The theme of the 2021-23 World Diabetes Day campaigns proposed by the International Diabetes Federation is “Access to diabetes care”.

  • 2021 campaign slogan “Prevention and management of diabetes, if not now, when?
  • 2022 campaign motto: “Educate in Health to protect the future

The main objective of this campaign is to coordinate the different sectors involved, to raise awareness among the Canarian population of the importance of:

  • Health promotion and diabetes prevention, with the acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits from an early age and throughout the life cycle.
  • Early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
  • Care of people with diabetes

What is diabetes mellitus

DMS 2023 Memes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by increased blood glucose levels.

There are basically three types of diabetes:

  • Type 1 due to deficiency in insulin secretion
  • Type 2 due to an alteration in the secretion and/or action of insulin in the body
  • Gestational diabetes.

Diabetes can cause complications in many parts of the body (especially vision, kidneys, and arteries), increasing the risk of early death.

Diabetes Epidemiology

Diabetes data worldwide

It is estimated that 1 in 10 people have diabetes. The forecasts for 2030 are 643 million and for 2045, 783 million people affected in the world.

Diabetes data in the Canary Islands

In the Canary Islands there is currently a population of 2,120,028, of which 196,921 have diabetes, 16,481 are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and 180,440 with type 2 diabetes. By age group, in those under 18 years of age there are 964 people with type 1 diabetes and 58 with type 2 diabetes. In those over 18 years of age there are 15,517 people with type 1 diabetes and 180,382 people with type 2 diabetes.

Health Promotion and Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus

DMS 2023 Memes

Currently, it is estimated that half of type 2 diabetes mellitus can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as:

  • A varied, complete, balanced and environmentally friendly diet.
  • Physical activity must be adapted to the characteristics of each person, while prolonged periods of rest throughout the day (sedentary lifestyle) must be avoided as much as possible.
  • Avoid toxic habits such as tobacco and alcohol.
  • Seek emotional well-being, controlling stressful situations and providing the necessary rest and sleep.
  • Control weight as it is the main risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

Early diagnostic

The first step in addressing diabetes is its early diagnosis and in this sense it is advisable to carry out an active search periodically among people with a history of:

  • First-degree relatives with diabetes
  • Overweight or obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes in pregnancy
  • High blood pressure
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Changes in cholesterol or triglycerides
  • Physical inactivity
  • Over 45 years

Main risk factors for the onset of type 2 diabetes

DMS 2023 Memes

This year’s motto encourages early detection and review of each person’s main risk factors to delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

  • Be over 45 years old
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Be physically inactive and sedentary.
  • Have high cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Suffer from high blood pressure
  • Having had gestational diabetes
  • Have a family history of diabetes.

Check your risk of type 2 diabetes click here

Risks of complications in people diagnosed with Diabetes

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus are accompanied by a significant risk of acute (hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, ketosis, ketoacidosis, and nonketotic hyperosmolar coma) and chronic (nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, cerebrovascular disease, diabetic foot) complications that can be prevented. .

Diabetes education should be taught at the following times: at the beginning, annually, when there are changes in pharmacological treatment, when chronic complications appear, during pregnancy or during pregnancy planning, and during important transitions in life. Diabetes education in the hospital and Primary Care setting (individual and group) is the best tool for people with diabetes to learn to identify, prevent and treat acute complications.

Flu/covid-19 and diabetes vaccination

Vaccination against flu and Covid-19 are recommended for people with diabetes. Vaccination in health centers is always carried out by appointment, by calling 012 or their numbers without additional fee 922 470 012 and 928 301 012.

For more information about the campaign, consult here:

New Instruction that regulates Technology in Diabetes

The Canary Islands has, within its service portfolio, different devices for the self-control and monitoring of people with diabetes, such as flash and continuous glucose monitoring systems and continuous insulin infusion pumps. A total of 1,122 flash-type systems and 3 continuous systems that have just been incorporated into this system have been prescribed in 2023 through electronic prescription. The Technical Group for the evaluation and control of the Indication of Continuous Insulin Infusion Pumps and Glucose Monitoring Systems in the Canary Islands has received a total of 546 applications between January and October 2023 and 80 insulin pumps, 196 pumps have been accepted. of insulin linked to a continuous glucose sensor and 270 continuous glucose sensors. Of the total, 168 correspond to the pediatric population, 378 to the adult population and among these, 10 to pregnant women. Applications have increased compared to previous years, as well as urgent procedures, which this year amount to a total of 62 applications, of which, 9 requests were made for pregnancy or pregnancy planning, 40 for pediatrics and 13 for severe hypoglycemia or other reasons.

In July 2023, the Instruction No. 12/23 of the Director of the Canarian Health Service that regulates the procedure and requirements for the prescription, administration, monitoring and control of continuous insulin infusion pumps and glucose monitoring systems.

Since 2019, people with type 1 diabetes in the Canary Islands can benefit from the use of glucose monitoring systems that prevent capillary blood glucose levels. This benefit has been expanded to different age groups, always with type 1 diabetes or other types of glucose disorders. This new Instruction extends the prescription to people with type 2 diabetes who are treated with at least 3 doses of insulin per day for at least 6 months and require 6 capillary blood glucose levels per day.

Training in glucose monitoring systems for type 2 Diabetes

DMS 2023 Memes

The General Directorate of Assistance Programs of the SCS, between July 17 and October 31, 2023, has developed and accredited Training through the course called “Interstitial Glucose Monitoring Systems for people with type 2 diabetes in the SCS” aimed at Primary Care Family Care Units (medical and nursing professionals) on all the islands. With a mixed methodology, online and in person, the objective has been for health professionals to learn about and interpret glucose monitoring systems in order to improve medical treatments and provide diabetes education based on real data in people with type 2 diabetes. This course is essential to be a prescriber or educator in these systems for the population with type 2 diabetes in Primary Care. Training Units will continue to be expanded gradually.

Health Classroom Activities (health promotion and diabetes prevention)

DMS 2023 Memes

Health Classes (AS), is a group health education program that was implemented in the Canary Islands in 2006.

In the period between January and September 2023 and within the framework of Health Classrooms, a program that brings together all group health education interventions with the population, 2,638 courses have been developed divided into 17,858 sessions and 97,985 have participated in them. people (55,187 women and 42,798 men)

Of the activities mentioned above, 52 activities correspond specifically to diabetes, divided into 130 sessions and in which 728 people (379 women and 349 men) have participated.

In the area of ​​promotion and prevention, actions on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Smoking Cessation have also been developed. A total of 99 courses were developed, divided into 352 sessions, in which 3,270 people (1,976 women and 1,294 men) participated, actions that support the promotion and prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Canary Islands Patient School

DMS 2023 Memes

The Canary Islands Patient School is a project aimed at promoting the active Patient, and is part of the Commitment to improve Public Health in the Canary Islands.

It is developed through workshops where, in small groups of patients, family members and caregivers, the exchange of knowledge is facilitated and skills are acquired between people who share the experience of a chronic illness with the aim of improving their quality of life.

Since its launch in 2019, 49 workshops have been held for patients with diabetes, and during 2023, 13 workshops will be held.

Campaign materials

Training for health personnel in healthy and sustainable nutrition 2023

DMS 2023 Memes

From the Health Promotion Service of the DGSP, three editions of the course “Promotion of healthy and sustainable eating” have been carried out in 2023 with approximately 600 registrations, starting with the fourth edition on November 13 with more registrations. Aimed at health professionals in the field of Primary Care who carry out care functions aimed at the population over 15 years of age in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands with the general objective of training and raising awareness among health professionals in the promotion of healthy and sustainable eating patterns.

Activities scheduled for DMD 2023

Links of interest