If you want to know what awaits you today at work, health or love, you can now discover the today’s horoscope prediction Friday July 5th for your Zodiac sign. Anticipate chance and prepare yourself in time for what the astral movements have in store for you today: will it be a good day at work or will it be better to keep a low profile to avoid problems? And on the sentimental level? Will the stars smile on me? Avoid unexpected surprises and take a look at the omens of the horoscope from ABC today for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.


These are very favorable days in terms of health. You are able to regenerate spent energy with astonishing speed and are immediately ready to start again. It is not a bad idea to invest a little of your free time in sorting out pending matters at work, but do not overdo it, or the people who are close to you will miss you. It is very difficult for you to free yourself from the emotional pressures you are under all week. Try to abstract yourself and free your mind, so that oxygen reaches your soul.


Not everyone understands your sense of humour, so today a misunderstanding may occur due to an ironic comment that someone will not take in the sense that you give it. Your tendency to boredom is the result of a less than positive attitude. In any activity, there are attractive aspects if our predisposition is right. Not everything can happen. Either you limit your nighttime activities or you forget to make big plans for daylight hours. You don’t have the strength to be in top condition for everything.


The time has come for you to update your work tools, especially if you use computers as your main aid. Be aware of the need for renewal. Sometimes, taking care of someone, especially a loved one, gives more satisfaction than taking care of yourself. You are in a state of being in love that makes you very happy. Your more optimistic attitude, which in recent times has brought new air to your relationships, both family and work-related, is bringing a new lease of life. You see life in a more reasonably positive way.


Little by little, you’re starting to get your smile back and the bad mood and complications that have kept you in check throughout the week are behind you. Take advantage and catch up with your friends. The people you’ve been spending time with lately share some of your concerns, but in other aspects they are contrary to your beliefs. Make a decision. You have all the skills you need to get the job you want, you just need to knock on the right door to get an opportunity that you’ll know how to take advantage of.


If you feel a little abandoned by your partner, don’t hesitate to tell him or her as soon as possible. The worst thing you can do is turn your feelings into resentment over time. Objectivity is one of your best virtues, don’t consciously set it aside just because your interests push you to be partial. It’s bread for today and hunger for tomorrow. Don’t trust too much in the things you hear today in certain media, keep your own opinions and compare the information you receive with other sources.


If you feel undervalued or mistreated in your workplace, don’t give up and fight with all your might against injustice. If your work is good, you will come out on top in the end. The way you dress is one of your main forms of expression, your letter of introduction to others. Try not to let yourself be influenced by other people’s opinions and follow your own intuitions. Be careful with the things you say today, because they will be scrutinized by your adversaries, who will try to use your words against you. The less you risk, the better.


Despite the difficulties that come your way, you will have enough intuition to resolve complicated situations in a satisfactory manner. You just have to concentrate. No cause is lost in advance, you will only be able to achieve what you want by setting your mind to it. You will need a lot of effort, but with determination you will achieve success. Don’t let other people’s problems keep you up at night. It’s not about ignoring everything, but it’s not about sacrificing your emotional balance for a person who can only help themselves.


The day will go smoothly and things will go as you wish. Pay more attention to your social relationships, you have been withdrawing too much lately. Your health is basically stable, but some small problem may cause you to lose balance at work. You will need extra concentration to avoid losing money. In some ways you are a privileged person, you have everything you need to live happily. Do not worry too much about trivial, overly earthly matters.


Circumstances are leading you into a situation that you do not want, but that you cannot avoid. You will have to cope with it in the best way possible, without losing your temper or your integrity. Your partner will be the safest port when it comes to sheltering you from the storm that is approaching. The support he or she provides you will be essential for you to overcome the problems that overwhelm you. Your relationship, far from contributing something to your personal development, is beginning to be a brake on your development. Breaking up is not the only option, but neither is conformism.


The good intentions you had set for yourself at the beginning of the year are already slipping away. Perhaps you have set some goals that are too high or too ambitious. Energy runs like a torrent through your body, and you will not lack the strength to start projects that can mark your professional future. Take advantage of the momentum and don’t worry about innovating. Good news will fill your heart with satisfaction and even if your health prevents you from celebrating it as you would like, you will enjoy these moments as you have not done for a long time.


Sometimes you feel like playing it safe, even if just once, but curiosity gets the better of you, and you can’t stop thinking “what if…”. It’s not always advisable to reveal your plans, to shout them from the rooftops. This can give decisive advantages to your enemies or to people who envy or hate you. Calm is slowly returning to your spirit today, after the upheaval of the past few days. Now you are left with a hangover and the need to properly internalize everything that has happened.


Good times are coming for professional achievements. It seems like there is nothing you can do wrong or a thread you cannot pull to create. You are on a very good streak. The increase in tension in the family environment prevents you from resting peacefully at home. Consider looking for alternatives (going for a walk, for example) while this situation lasts. Your zest for life is easily contagious to those around you. You are an inexhaustible source of positive energy and that attracts many people who are on the same wavelength as you.

In addition to the daily horoscope, at ABC you can also take a look at the monthly prediction for your zodiac sign. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, all signs have their monthly forecast available to instantly find out their predictions about health, love, professional life or money. And if you also want to read how you will do this year 2024, you can also take a look and get ahead of the designs of destiny.