Carlos Latre confesses how his friend and colleague Ángel Llacer is: “he’s fine, I can tell you. I just spoke with him half an hour ago, he was taking a walk, he was fine, we’ve been worried about his health, and the big problem is that “When something like this comes to you we have suffered a lot, but he is fine, out of danger and luckily we can enjoy it for a long time.” As for what it has been like to perform on some occasion for the kings, he confesses: “I have several curiosities, I was born on the same day as King Felipe, January 30, 11 years apart, with Letizia I had the opportunity to share in Sojecable for some time, we had a good relationship, the official announcement had just been made and we met Doña Letizia on the plane and she broke protocol, on the anniversary of Onda Zero too, the kings arrived, they broke protocol, they got out of the car, they told me that his favorite imitation is that of Ferrán Adriá, he did his wedding” as for one of the shows that he remembers most, he acknowledges: “I was very excited in Seville when I had the opportunity to do the show in front of the Duchess of Alba. She was wonderful, she always came to the shows to support me, Romero and the Duchess came, it was a very special night because of the love she gave us and because of the love of the audience.” If you ask her about ‘your face sounds familiar to me’ and who has surprised more this year, he acknowledges: “Julia was the one we knew the most about, but she was unknown to everyone, she is a marvel, Bustamante is wonderful, she has come to play, she has a good time, she enjoys, she makes us enjoy, she is very cool. I have many characters that I love, Juanra Bonet, Miguel Lago with that curmudgeon inside him, we have a very good edition. Raquel who gives everything.” As for whether daughter Candela and her will follow in her footsteps, she explains: “Candela has lived it since she was little, she has lived among boxes, I have videos and videos of her knowing all the functions by heart, she wants to also dedicate himself to the world of musicals, it’s something he’s always understood, very happy.” In addition, he will have the opportunity to work with her soon: “I’m going to work right away, in the 25th anniversary special she’s going to be with me, so It makes me very excited” Total by Carlos Latre – Hello. – How are you. – Better than you, no. – Well, don’t believe it. – Today we have a protagonist. – Jorge. – That Oscar of magic. – Of course, it really is something very important and I think that we are not aware many times, I get tired of saying it, but we are not aware of what there is in Spain, of how they see us abroad, in the United States, they are amazed by everything we do on TV. , shows, athletes, everything – You perform for international personalities – Totally. – You have to brag about that. -Jorge is a world reference, to give us an idea, I don’t know if he is forgotten but people like David Copperfield have used Jorge’s tricks, he is a reference and also a very good friend. -How he is as a person. – We really like gastronomy, we have met all over Spain with my shows and we are very gourmets, we have shared restaurants, nights, friends, magic and humor all mixed together. -He told us the faces for which he has acted, you are not far behind. Someone who made you very excited. – Well, let’s see, I have performed in front of politicians, the Royal House, the princesses in their day playing the emeritus and with a spectacular sense of humor, in front of the Mayor who I just ran into, he came to the show, he made me very happy. excitement in Seville when I had the opportunity to do the show in front of the Duchess of Alba. Cayetana was wonderful, she always came to the shows to support me, Curro Romero and the Duchess came, it was a very special night because of the love she gave us and because of the love of the audience. -She has been very loved. – Yes. – And very imitated. – Yes. I continue doing it and Eugenia, who is a good friend, tells me ‘you make me a little bit like mom’ and she says I remember a lot about mom. I love the whole family very much. – Today marks 20 years since the big wedding, Felipe and Letizia. – I have several curiosities, I was born on the same day as King Felipe, January 30, 11 years apart, with Letizia I had the opportunity to share in Sojecable for some time, we had a good relationship, the official announcement had just been made and we met Doña Letizia on the plane and she broke protocol, on the anniversary of Onda Cero too, the Kings arrived, they broke protocol, they got out of the car, they told me that their favorite imitation is that of Ferrán Adriá, he did their wedding. – We have to brag about what we have in our country. – Absolutely, of course congratulations to our Kings. – Another great friend, Ángel Llacer. – It’s okay, I can tell you. I just spoke with him half an hour ago, he was walking for a little walk, he was fine, we have been worried about his health, and the big problem is that when something like this comes to you we have suffered a lot, but he is fine, out of danger and Luckily we can enjoy it for a long time. – In the end the best cure is friends, the environment. – You can’t imagine, we have talked almost daily, every day in the morning I sent him my good morning kiss, my energy, I explained everything we were going to do that day, he told me look what the life I was like is like. with the producers and with so many things and suddenly life takes a turn and you consider many things, one of those things was friendship and the people you love. – Speaking of the program, who has surprised you the most. -Well, Julia was the one we knew the most about OT but she was unknown to everyone, she is a marvel, Bustamante is wonderful, she has come to play, she has a good time, she enjoys, she makes us enjoy, she is very cool. I have many characters that I love, Juanra Bonet, Miguel Lago with that curmudgeon inside him, we have a very good edition. Raquel who gives everything. Look, unlike other years we have an edition in which there are many television people, professionals, they know the camera, the tempo, they know how to move, they make television in its purest form and it is wonderful to play. – Another celebrity you would like to see on the program. – Susana Griso would do great, I would love to see Chabeli, Tamara, like we had Julio in the first edition, I would love someone from the family. – Lomana, what would it be like? – Carmen would be about what Carmen could do, I don’t know about Janet or some diva from years ago. – A great diva, Isabel Pantoja, tell us something about her. – I am a total fan of Isabel, I love her. I think she is the last great queen of the copla, of flamenco, of the essential and I think that we have artists like Laura Gallego, Lorena Gómez who would have to sing copla from time to time, so that we do not lose, Isabel is a monster of nature, she is wonderful. – There’s a concert this weekend. -I’m sure she’ll do well, yes. – You go to restaurants a lot with Jorge, today you would go to Íñigo Onieva’s. – That’s good, that’s good, I’m a total gourmet, an absolute foddie, you have to go try Íñigo’s new one for sure. – Work projects, a lot. – Above all, we are preparing a project that I am very excited about before the summer, my 25th anniversary on television, it will be incredible, we are going to be surrounded, they come from Antonio Banderas, the Estopa, Arturo Valls, Sardá, Boris, all the people I have had the luck to collaborate and coincide and then great friends who will be present like Rafa Nadal, people with whom I have had a lot of contact. – It has been many years of profession, what patience, you have been very well accompanied, it is a hard profession. – The luck is that they are always close, that both my wife Yolanda and Candela come on tour a lot, Candela has experienced it since she was little, she has lived among boxes, I have videos and videos of her knowing all the functions by heart, she wants to dedicate herself also to the world of musicals, it is something that he has always understood, very happy. -She likes that world. – He likes it a lot, he is studying for it, he is training a lot and I hope he gets lucky. – Would you like to work with her in the future. -I’m going to work right away, in the 25th anniversary special she’s going to be with me, which makes me very excited.