Many times we have heard someone say “typical of Cancer”, but we didn’t really know what he meant by that. Therefore, we have decided create the definitive guide around those born under the sign of Cancer, to easily make known all qualities, failures, secrets and operation in love.

How the zodiac horoscope works

The horoscope is a method of predicting future events about a person’s life based on position of the Sun, Moon and other planets and objects of the cosmos at the moment of birth.

This based on an astral map, a kind of chart in which the movements of all the stars that surround us are reflected. The circle described by these bodies is divided into twelve equal parts, 30º each. Each section is represented by an animal different, and different attributes and features of the personality.

The origins of Cancer: date and symbols

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, so those born between June 22 and July 23 They are sheltered by him. Is represented by acrabwhich is usually associated with protection and the external hardness for its shell, and with the prudence wave caution for always walking sideways.

On the other hand, it is part of the so-called “cardinal signs”which are the ones that mark the season changes when situated at the solstices and equinoxes. Share this quality with Aries, Libra and Capricorn. Cancer marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere.

In addition, Cancer is one of the three signs of the zodiac that have as water element, which completely conditions his way of being and understanding the world and himself. He shares this quality with Scorpio and Pisces.

Is symbolized by a craband it is said that it is ruled by the Moon. In Western culture, it tells how this sign has its origin in the Greco-Roman myth of Heraclesand his 12 works.

Heracles or Hercules was forced by the goddess Hera (wife of Zeus, the leader of the Olympian gods and father of Heracles) to perform 12 jobs or legendary feats out of envy and to take revenge for her husband’s infidelities.

While the demigod Hercules was performing his second task, end the Lernaean hydrathe goddess Hera sent Carcinos against hima titanic-sized crustacean that attacked the hero’s feet with its gigantic pincers.

Hercules stomped on the enormous crab and, with the help of his nephew Iolaus, ended the life of the hydra monster. Hera, in gratitude to the animal Marine, he put it in the celestial domethus creating the Cancer constellation.

What Cancers are like: personality and temperament

Being a sign represented by a crab, they are associated with the external hardness and the caution towards other people. Furthermore, it is said of him that he is a very signfamiliar and sensitive insidelike crustaceans.

Cancers are known for their very changeable character, which comes and goes like the tides, due to the great influence of the Moon on them. This makes them see unstablein addition to somewhat hostile towards strangersalthough with their family and loved ones it is not considered that way.

Above all, what Cancers pursue most is to ensure that their loved ones feel protected and to transmit confidence to them. Many times this desire makes them hide their feelings and discomfort from their loved ones so as not to cause them worries, which is why they are accused of being cold.

The reality is quite the opposite: despite of hard shell that project outwards, inside They are tremendously sensitive, and everything affects them a lot.although they hide it very well.

They are people who They always sacrifice for othersand prove to be good guys to vent with or to whom to turn for help or advice. Of course, they are as demanding or more demanding with others as they are with themselves, so demand constant trustand they will hardly be able to forgive an act that they consider a breach of trust if they do not see remorse or willingness to make reparation in the other person.

Furthermore, it is said of Cancers that They have a very good memoryso for them “Whoever makes it pays”, although they do not hold grudges, but for them it is a maxim that “you forget, but you do not forgive.” This makes them extremely cautious.

as a water signare very changeable. Being the first of its kind and being influenced by Moon, Cancer’s similarities with water are more accentuated. As soon as they are angry and offended, they have forgiven the offenses and everything is good. Share this mark with Scorpio and Pisces.

The Moon, in addition to affecting its humor changesIt makes them have greater emotional sensitivities. In order not to make your family and friends suffer and to not cause concern to your family and friends, this is why They hide behind their hard shell of apparent coldness.

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Cancer compatibilities: harmony with other signs

Cancer’s brother signs are its water brothers: Scorpio and the Pisces. People with a highly developed inner world often look for travel companions sensitive and attached.

Furthermore, due to his external toughness and his natural instincts of protectionthey also tend to get along very well with Virgo and the Tauruswho always seek emotional stability. They are a very stoic sign.

On the other hand, the ones he can never get along with are the Ariesthe Pound and the Aquarium. The lack of time perspective of these signs, added to their unstable characterthey make their relationship with Cancers give many clashes and disagreements of opinions on important life issues.

Positive qualities:

  • Instinct of protection and sacrifice.
  • Great memory and commitment, they forgive, but they do not forget.
  • Very developed sensitivity.
  • Cautious and cautious.

Negative qualities:

  • External coldness, lack of communication of your discomfort.
  • Very demanding of others, they demand an unwavering commitment.
  • Sudden mood swings (also due to keeping everything in until they explode).
  • They make overly harsh judgments of others (and of themselves as well).

How are they in love?

Cancers, who are represented by a hard-shelled crab that sacrificed itself, are extremely sensitive and very attached. Many times you have to hold your tongue because it is difficult for them to admit that something has bothered them or that some event is making their head spin.

On some occasions they can become somewhat overwhelming due to how demanding they are, although whenever they act in this way they do so from their best desire for the other person, not out of a desire to command or control them.

They are extremely faithful. Their great sensitivity and developed inner world make them great lovers, and very committed. The bad thing is that they don’t always show it with words, but with actions. This is why they can be somewhat cold, which is why their partners are often advised to pay attention to the details and sacrifices that Cancerians make for them.

What are they like at work?

Are one of the best types of boss that there may be. Are Very demanding with the effort and commitment of others, but because They are just as serious about their own work.. Although they can blame you for some mistakes, they highly value, even if they remain silent, the fulfillment of responsibility in others.

As employeesThey will give everything for the company if they are treated well. Tend to endure a lot and keep things to yourself before taking any action, but when the last straw breaks the camel’s back, andthey stall and can leave everything if they have felt treated unfairly.

Are trusted workersand as cmy colleagues also demand a lot to others during business hours. Despite the harshness with which they may treat their peers during work hours, outside of it they will always show themselves available to help others in everything they demand as people and as colleagues.

What does it mean to have a Cancer ascendant?

astrologyas one of the divination arts or “mancies” older and with greater travel, it is not at all simple. Not only should a person be guided by the zodiac sign under which he was born, there are countless other variables that condition the personality.

Cancer is highly affectedin addition to his fourth position in the light blue band, which makes him one of the four “cardinal signs”for his water element. Your opposite sign because of the position in the cosmos it is Capricorn.

However, and for this it is recommended go to a specialist professional In this regard, it is advisable that if you are very interested in learning more about the way the cosmos affects personality and the development of temperament, is responsible for personalized astrological chart or natal chart.

Through this, we can know the position of all the stars that influence our lives in particular, which can lead to provide many nuances in astrological divination. One of the best known variables is the so-called “upward”.

The ascendant is that zodiac sign that was at the easternmost point during birth, that is, the one that was “emerging” through the horizon area while the birth was taking place.

The ascendant plays a fundamental role in the image that the rest of the world perceives of a person, especially in his appearance And in the first impressions that it generates in others.

To calculate the ascendant it is necessary first know the day, month, year and place of birthBesides the Exact time. There are several specialized pages on the web capable of calculating a person’s ascendant with some precision if they enter all this data.

People who have their ascendant in Cancer usually stand out for their strong sensitivityin addition to its ability to intuition and for its strong need for commitment and security.

Anyone with a Cancer ascendant is extremely concerned that their loved ones do not suffer and that all their needs are met. Those who do not know them in depth may see them as cold and “short-fuse” people, but the truth is that it is just a facade to protect themselves due to their sensitivity.

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Celebrities and famous people who are Cancer

  • Chenoa.
  • Javier Ambrosi.
  • Inma Cuesta.
  • Ariana Grande.
  • Aitana.
  • Khloé Kardasian.
  • Lady Di.
  • Margot Robbie.
  • Tom Cruise.
  • Post Malone.
  • Mario Vaquerizo.
  • Pau Gasol.
  • Tom Hanks.
  • Sofia Vergara.
  • Candela Peña.
  • Santiago Segura.
  • Vin Diesel.
  • Elsa Pataky.
  • Alberto Chicote.
  • Jordi Cruz.
  • Cristobal Soria.
  • Selena Gomez.
  • Lele Pons.
  • Frida Kahlo.
  • Nelson Mandela.

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NOTE. ANDThis horoscope is provided for entertainment purposes only. Astrology is not an exact science and predictions should be taken as a guideline. Each individual is unique and their life may not fit the general descriptions provided.