ALICANTE. The Alicante City Council, through the Department of Health, collaborates in the II Conference on Primary and Community Care organized by the Alicante-Sant Joan d’Alacant health department on Friday, May 31, with the motto ‘Everyone for health ‘. In total, 80 workshops and activities have been scheduled with the participation of 300 professionals from its nine basic areas, which include the Gerona, Juan XXIII, Santa Faz City Hall, Hospital Provincial-Pla and Cabo Huertas health centers, in Alicante, in addition to El Campello, Xixona Mutxamel and Sant Joan d’Alacant and its eleven auxiliary clinics, according to municipal sources, through a statement.

Throughout the morning, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., different community health promotion activities will take place, taking to the streets, parks and squares, social and cultural centers, libraries, the beach or promenades. The Councilor for Health, Cristina Cutanda, highlights that “the Alicante City Council is delighted to collaborate, once again this year, with these conferences organized by the Alicante-Sant-Joan health department, making different spaces in the city available to health professionals, to bring the work of doctors and nurses to citizens”. Likewise, he has invited the people of Alicante to “participate in some of the scheduled activities, since they are all very interesting and contribute to the promotion of health among the population.”

Program in Alicante

The activities of the Gerona Health Center, in Alicante, will take place at the Gabriel Miró Municipal Center for the Elderly. In addition to workshops on healthy back or CPR, there will be information tables on the GVA+Salut APP, cognitive impairment, sun protection or health screenings. Likewise, a talk-colloquium on loneliness has been organized.

The Santa Faz health center Alicante City Council will be decorated for this health festival by disabled users of the San Rafael Center. Its activities will take place at the Alicante Consumer Resources Educational Center and include exercise, healthy eating, relaxation or solitude workshops. In addition, a series of self-esteem, sports or nutrition workshops, among others, have been scheduled at the San Roque school so that the participating kids can get their health passport.

The MARQ and its gardens are the setting for most of the activities organized by the Hospital Provincial Pla de Alicante Health Center. There will be numerous information tables from various associations and also from the health center, dedicated, among other topics, to dental care, healthy eating, cultural and healthy leisure, help to quit smoking or advance directives. Physiotherapists will teach functional training exercises and will also talk about emotional well-being or anticoagulation. The midwives will teach a pelvic floor workshop at the health center.

Health examinations will be carried out at the Juan XXIII health center in Alicante and there will be a permanent vaccination point throughout the morning. You can also donate blood, exercise in the gym or attend a workshop on nutrition. Likewise, its professionals have prepared various activities at the Juan XIII Community Center, which include CPR, menopause or cancer prevention workshops and information tables on resources and health and the use of the GVA+Salut APP. At the Monte Benacantil school there will be a health gymkhana and, as a culmination, an end-of-party batucada performed by the users and workers of the Santa Faz residential center.

The Cabo Huertas health center will put up information tables on the promenade of San Juan beach. There will also be workshops on topics such as breastfeeding, climacteric, mobilization and transfers or infant massage at the health center; At the Playas Community Center there will be a new Scape Room CPR or workshops on healthy breakfasts and the Montemar Athletic Club will host pediatric and adult CPR workshops.

In addition, there will be healthy walks by Walking Patients from three basic health zones and a meeting between those from Cabo Huertas and Muchavista on San Juan beach around 10:50 am. There they will perform coordination and relaxation exercises and then share a healthy lunch.

Health promotion

As highlighted by the manager of the Alicante-Sant Joan d’Alacant health department, Juan Antonio Marqués“a fundamental part of the work of our Primary Care professionals is health promotion and prevention, with this day we want to give visibility to this great work and for the population to know how the teams at their respective health centers can help them improve their quality of life in their closest environment”.

In this same sense, the medical director of Primary Care of the department has pointed out that “as the backbone of our health system, all professionals who work in health centers contribute with their daily work to adding value to the community they serve. “.

For her part, the director of Primary Care Nursing, Fabiola Marradeshas indicated that “with this great health festival we want to strengthen our community health networks, raise awareness and bring the population closer to the team at each health center, promote healthy lifestyle habits, actively recruit and recapture health problems. prevalent health, provide information on social resources and, ultimately, support health in the community.

They will participate in the development of the different professional activities of all categories of the Primary Care teams: doctors, nurses, TCAEs, social workers, midwives, physiotherapists, dental hygienists, pediatric dentists, administrative staff and custodians.

The day has the collaboration of the five town councils to which the department provides health coverage and the Provincial Council of Alicante. The provincial professional associations of Doctors and Nursing, the College of Veterinarians and various patient associations and neighborhood, sports and cultural entities of the different municipalities have also been involved. Likewise, several residential centers for the elderly also participate.
Posters and a promotional video have been published and disseminated on social networks and on the department’s website. Users who want to participate in these activities can request more information at their health center.

Activities in the rest of the towns

Apart from the activities planned in the city of Alicante, the Xixona health center will begin the day with a workshop dedicated to the role of the family doctor in Primary Care. Throughout the morning they will be joined by others dedicated to exercise, management of the GVA+Salut APP, CPR and first aid, breastfeeding or infant massage.

The Center for the Third Age will host a large part of the activities organized by the Mutxamel Health Center. There will be twelve information tables dedicated to topics such as sample collection, cancer prevention, active aging, domestic accidents or a violet spot and workshops on quitting smoking, on the pelvic floor or first aid. At the local Youth House you can learn how to prepare healthy dinners and at the health center there will be an information table on hand hygiene. In addition, there will be a workshop on chemical submission at the Mutxamel and L’Allusser secondary schools.

At the El Campello health center there will be information tables on sample collection, cancer prevention or sun protection and a purple dot and workshops in its library on nutrition for people with anticoagulation, or how to care for the caregiver of a person with dementia, among others. . There will also be activities at the Rafael Altamira school.

In the Town Hall square of Sant Joan d’Alacant there will be information tables throughout the morning, dedicated to sun protection, cardiovascular risk prevention and smoking cessation. In the House of Culture of this town there will be workshops on first aid and CPR, relaxation techniques or prevention of muscle deterioration. In addition, nine other workshops have been scheduled at the health center dedicated to anticoagulation, preparation for childbirth, the use of inhalers, foot care and children’s oral hygiene, among others.

In addition, there will be healthy walks by Walking Patients from three basic health zones and a meeting between the Cabo Huertas and Muchavista groups on San Juan beach around 11 am. There they will perform coordination and relaxation exercises and then share a healthy lunch. As a prelude to this day, the auxiliary clinics of Tibi and Torremanzas have also organized various health promotion activities on May 30.