Day: May 26, 2024


from €300 for a phonendo to €3,000 for lenses

When he graduated, his brother Manuel Jimenez He gave him a stethoscope. He lasted more…

Spending “the prime of life” with cancer: “I can’t handle the desire I have to take on the world”

Hospital waiting room. (Shutterstock)Adolescence and early years of youth These are times of change, of…

Alba Fernández, researcher in Population Health Sciences in London

Le mueve la curiosidad científica por entender cómo influyen el estilo de vida y otros…

Alba Fernández, researcher in Population Health Sciences in London

He is motivated by scientific curiosity to understand How lifestyle and other external factors influence…

«Low-dose CT screening in lung cancer saves lives»

He is one of the specialty's leading experts in lung cancer and living history. Consultant…

Aissam, the boy who escaped a silent world thanks to gene therapy: “I’m hearing the phone!” | Health & Wellness

A bubble of absolute silence has sheltered the boy Aissam Dam throughout his life. Eleven…

What are the seeds that longevity experts recommend to live 100 years?

Seeds contain essential nutrients to prevent diseases and lead a healthy life (Getty Images)The seeds…

‘Cancer’: the scary word that changes everything

In 2022, the latest data available, about 20 million people around the world will be…

In the middle of the crisis, it was like living the life of an Amar actress in troubled times.”

Isabel Gimnez, bipolar disorder patient and anti-stigma activist. Diagnosed at age 35, she recognizes that…