Month: November 2023


Should we not prevent rather than treat without curing?

JOur years and months follow one another to raise awareness among citizens about the major…

alternative for refractory high blood pressure

There is controversy about the options for patients with refractory arterial hypertension, a topic that…

the red flag of prediabetes and when and how remission can be achieved

What does blood taste like? It is probably difficult for us to describe it and…

Prevention and support for diabetic patients in Île-de-France

Diabetes is a chronic pathology presenting a public health challenge due to its frequency and…

Cutting down a teaspoon of salt a day works as well as blood pressure medication, study says

(CNN) -- According to a recent study, eliminating a teaspoon of salt from your daily…

“the important thing is to talk about the illness”

The eighth edition of the Diabetes Fair took place on Saturday November 11 in Porticcio.…

Diabetes. Know your risk, know your response

Introduction World Diabetes Day began to be celebrated in 1991 through the International Diabetes Federation…

Diabetes. Know your risk, know your response

Introduction World Diabetes Day began to be celebrated in 1991 through the International Diabetes Federation…

Diabetes. Know your risk, know your response

Introduction World Diabetes Day began to be celebrated in 1991 through the International Diabetes Federation…

Diabetes. Know your risk, know your response

Introduction World Diabetes Day began to be celebrated in 1991 through the International Diabetes Federation…